• Not Knowing Her Well 我跟她还不熟

    11-05-27 Wife: Bill, the man in that house opposite always kisses his wife when he leaves in the morning and he kisses her again when he comes back in the evening. Why don't you do that too? Husband: Well, I don't know her very well yet. 妻子:比尔,住在对面...

  • 施瓦辛格承认有私生子

    11-05-24 Former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, newly estranged from his wife of 25 years and seeking to resume his Hollywood career, has acknowledged fathering a child more than a decade ago with a member of his household staff. 美国加州前州长阿...

  • An Eye-Opener

    11-04-11 Yesterday Charles met his old schoolmate Joe and congratulated him on his recent marriage. When Charles asked about the difference between a fiancee(未婚妻) and a wife, he said, When she was my fiancee, I saw only a part of her. When she is my wif...

  • Spice Up Your Marriage

    11-03-15 Morris complained to his friend Irving, that love making with his wife was becoming routine and boring. Get creative Morris. Break up the monotony(单调) . Why don't you try 'playing doctor' for an hour? That's what I do, said Irving. Sounds great,...

  • Lifetime Regret

    11-02-11 In the 1980s, one young lady issued a public pronouncement dismissing(解散) all men under the height of 1.70 meters as handicapped. It was met with an avalanche(雪崩) of responses from virtually all unmarried women in the nation. After making pe...

  • 日本首相夫人直言下辈子不会再嫁菅直人

    11-01-16 Japan's outspoken first lady said Wednesday she would not marry Premier Naoto Kan again in another life, in a display of tough love to a husband already battling political rivals and low support ratings. 言辞犀利的日本首相夫人菅伸子本周三称,如果有...

  • I don't even know that woman

    10-10-13 A couple walking in the park noticed a young man and woman sitting on a bench, passionately(热情地,强烈地) kissing. Why don't you do that? said the wife. Honey, replied her husband, I don't even know that woman!...

  • 东南亚越来越多的男性被迫娶外籍媳妇

    10-07-31 Increasing numbers of southeast Asian men, particularly in Japan, South Korea and China Taiwan are marrying foreigners because fewer women in their homelands are willing to wed, a new study said Monday. 本周一发布的一项最新调查称,由于当地的愿嫁女越...

  • Happiness in Dream 梦中的幸福

    10-07-19 Happiness in Dream There was a wife who told her husband, Last night I dreamed you bought me a mink coat and a diamond ring. The husband put down his newspaper and said, Fine! Tonight go back to sleep and wear them. 梦中的幸福 妻子告诉丈夫说:昨天晚...

  • One real man 一个真正的男子汉

    10-06-17 One real man The ruler of an ancient kingdom wanted to disprove the statement that the men of his domain were ruled by their wives. He had all the males in his kingdom brought before him and warned that any man who did not tell the truth would be pu...