• 我们换个话题吧!

    21-12-10 我们换个话题吧! Lets change the subject. Lets talk about something else. Lets talk about something different. Id rather talk about something else. (能不能换个别的话题。) 例句: Okay, okay, Ill pay you back next week... (好吧,好吧,下星期我还你钱)...

  • go bananas 发疯,发狂,情绪失控

    21-11-17 go bananas字面看是奔跑的香蕉,是不是脑中突然有了画面感其实该短语意为发疯,发狂,情绪失控,关于其起源有两种说法: 一种是说go bananas类似于go ape(猿),后者有发疯、发狂的意思,两者放在一起很容易让人联想到猴子、猿、猩猩看到香蕉高兴得要发狂的样子; 还...

  • speak volubly 口若悬河

    21-11-03 口若悬河,汉语成语,意为说话滔滔不绝,像河水倾泄一样。形容能说善辩,话语不断。可以翻译为speak volubly,talk glibly或be eloquent。 例句: 伊夫林谈起女权这个话题口若悬河。 Evelyn was very voluble on the subject of womens rights....

  • talk the talk 说得好听

    21-09-15 talk the talk是说得好听;说得头头是道的意思。 例句: You can talk the talk, but can you walk the walk? 你说得头头是道,但你能做到吗?...

  • we'll talk 别说啦

    21-09-15 Well talk字面意思就是我们再说吧。但我们能说这话是想让对方打住,所以well talk其实就是别说啦的意思。 例句: - Our professor is so mean! -我们教授太刻薄了! - Hush...Her office is right there, well talk. -嘘她办公室就在那儿,可别说啦。...

  • might-have-been 本来可能发生的事情

    21-09-10 我们用合成名词 might-have-been 指 一个在过去本来可能发生,但最终没有实现或发生的事情,这既可以是一个未了的心愿,也可能是一件原本可能发生的坏事。它与表示推测的语法结构 might have been 有关,不过作名词使用时,三个词的中间有连字符。 例句 You need to mo...

  • 英语常见缩略语 进阶版

    21-09-01 JK just kidding开玩笑 LMAO laughing my ass off笑死 RUOK are you ok你还好吗 NP no problem没问题 WRU where are you你在哪 ASAP as soon as possible越快越好 BFF best friend forever死党 FYI/FYR for your information / for your reference供参考 AFAIK as far...

  • sweet talk 甜言蜜语

    21-08-30 甜言蜜语,汉语成语,意思是像蜜糖一样甜的话。比喻为了讨人喜欢或哄骗人而说好听的话。可以翻译为sweet words and honeyed phrases,sweet talk等。 例句: 她被他的甜言蜜语哄得溜溜转。 With his honeyed words, he made her obediently do as she was told. 他们的...

  • 与人对话时注意避免7个错误

    21-08-30 1. Assuming that nobody wants to talk to you 假设没人愿意和你交谈 If youre shy, I get it. But youre not the only one. If youre fretting about seeming confident or natural, youre missing the point: Stop thinking about yourself. Instead, think of reac...

  • blandishments 花言巧语

    21-08-13 花言巧语,汉语成语,原指铺张修饰、内容空泛的言语或文辞,后多指用来骗人的虚伪动听的话。可以翻译为blandishments,sweet [honeyed] words或slick talk等。 例句: 花言巧语的推销员 a slick salesman 这些花言巧语都是骗人的。 All these fine words are nothing b...