• feel up to something 觉得能够胜任

    22-04-28 1. If youre feeling up to it, there was something I wanted to talk to you about. 如果你觉得身体状况还不错,我有些事想和你聊聊。 Notes: feel up to something表示觉得能够胜任,可以对付某事,觉得身体能承受。例如: If you feel up to it, please start your...

  • 聊天,闲聊

    22-04-25 Chat 聊天 I just had a chat with Benny. 我刚刚在和Benny聊天。 Chitchat 闲聊 Everyones hands are full recently, we dont even have time for chitchat. 大家最近都很忙,连聊天的时间都没有。 Small talk 闲谈 Making small talk is an art that can be learned....

  • 10个地道美语表达 上

    22-04-20 1.find ones tongue: to be able to talk; to figure out what to say 能说得出话来 Mother shouted at me just now. I was too scared to find my tongue. 妈妈刚才对我大嚷,我吓得说不出话来。 Ann was unable to find her tongue. She sat there in silence. 安说...

  • 你行你上

    22-04-20 Dont talk the talk if you cant walk the walk. talk the talk 代表只会用嘴说, walk the walk 可以理解成付诸于实际行动,这句话就是,不要耍嘴皮子,得做才行。 不过这句话有点太长了,霸气度大大降低。 Put up or shut up.要么你上,要么闭嘴! 这句话言简意赅,...

  • 10句温柔而残忍的婉转语 上

    22-04-08 1. How do I put this gently... 我要怎么才能温柔地告诉你 真实含义: This is going to hurt. 下面我要说的可能比较伤人。 2. Youre gonna hate me for this... 你不会喜欢这个 真实含义: Because Im about to say something horrible. 因为我要告诉你一些可怕的事...

  • 我们为什么爱看猫咪视频?

    22-03-22 上网时,你有没有过这样的经历:在不知不觉中陷入了看猫咪视频的循环中,无法自拔为什么和其它萌宠相比,与猫有关的视频往往更受欢迎? Weve all been there. One minute youre searching for something serious, like a recipe for dinner, or something for work, an...

  • talk one's head off 喋喋不休,说个不停

    22-02-07 作动词,意思是喋喋不休,说个不停,常用于劝说某人或者跟某人争论的时候。 I talked my head off trying to convince them. 我不停地劝说,想尽力说服他们。...

  • go bananas 疯狂;情绪失控

    22-01-07 go bananas是指变得暴怒;疯狂;情绪失控。猴子最爱吃香蕉,看到香蕉就会上蹿下跳、大喊大叫,如果一个人的情绪状态就像猴子看到了香蕉,我们就可以说这个人一定是go bananas,情绪失控啦。 Dont talk about mathematics any more. Ill go bananas. 别再跟我提数学了,...

  • let off steam 释放

    22-01-04 英语短语 let off steam 意思是释放情感,特别表示把心里的话都一股脑地说出来。 例句 I shouldnt shout at my husband but sometimes I need to let off steam. Ruth spent the whole afternoon complaining about her boss. She needed to let off some steam. We of...

  • 我现在不想谈那件事。

    21-12-10 我现在不想谈那件事。 I dont want to talk about it now. Id prefer not to talk about it. (我不想谈论那件事。) 那事儿以后再说吧。 Lets talk about it later. 例句: Were playing golf this Sunday, right? (我们这个星期天要去打高尔夫球,对吧?) Lets talk abo...