• Emma 爱玛 - Chapter 49

    21-03-20 The weather continued much the same all the following morning; and the same loneliness, and the same melancholy, seemed to reign at Hartfield--but in the afternoon it cleared; the wind changed into a softer quarter; the clouds were carried off; the...

  • chew the fat 唠闲嗑

    21-01-11 唠闲嗑,中文俗语,指漫无边际地聊天闲聊,东拉西扯,可以翻译为make small talk。与英文习语chew the fat意思相同,表示chat in a leisurely and prolonged way;to chat or gossip。 例句: 坐下来咱们唠会儿闲嗑。 Sit yourself down and lets chew the fat for a w...

  • talk shop 三句话不离本行

    21-01-10 三句话不离本行,中文俗语,字面意思是never to say three sentences without talking about ones own work,指人的言语离不开他所从事的职业范围,言谈都与自己的职业相关。可以翻译为can hardly open ones mouth without talking shop或talk shop all the time。talk...

  • talk back 顶嘴

    21-01-10 顶嘴,比喻与他人争辩,用言语冲撞他人,多指对长辈或上级,可以翻译为 contradict (ones elder or superior)。也可以用talk back表示,有reply defiantly or insolently的意思。 例句: 你竟敢跟我顶嘴! How dare you talk back to me! 孩子们绝对不应与父母顶嘴。 Y...

  • 与陌生人聊天

    20-12-09 Its good to talk, so some people say. When I commute into London, there are certainly plenty of people conversing on their mobile phones sometimes too loudly discussing and sharing personal details with a friend. For me, its strange that they talk a...

  • actually、virtually和practically的区别

    20-12-09 我们先来讲副词 actually 的用法。Actually 有三个用法,而 virtually 和 practically 却没有这三个用法。第一:副词 actually 表示 事实上,实际上,用来说明事情的真实情况。比如: Examples Sujun said he was friends with that film star, but they didnt actuall...

  • 如何面对悲伤的情绪

    20-11-16 If there is one thing in life that we could choose not to experience, it is the death of someone we love. Losing a friend or family member is heartbreaking and hard to accept, but how we deal with it, and how we move on, varies from person to person...

  • 带有“talk”的俚语或短语

    20-10-21 Big Talk 吹牛 Definition: (noun) exaggerated claims 定义:(名词)夸大陈词 Hes full of big talk, but he rarely does what he claims. 他满口大话,但很少做他说过的事。 Is that just big talk, or do you think its actually true? 这只是夸大其词,还是你认为...

  • about

    20-10-19 about(关于)是一个本身没有确定的含义,必须结合上下文才会发生作用的虚词。 例句: His new book is about the situation in Bosnia. 他的新书是关于波斯尼亚局势的。 Mr. Smith loves to talk about whats wrong with the government. 史密斯先生爱谈政府有什么不...

  • talk big 夸夸其谈

    20-09-17 夸夸其谈,汉语成语,指浮夸空泛地大发议论,形容说话浮夸,不切合实际。可以翻译为indulge in empty talk;talk big;talk excitedly and boastfully。英文俗语bag of wind或wind bag可以表示夸夸其谈的人。 例句: 有人告诫我不要把艾文斯的话太当真,因为他这个人就...