• fat talk 肥胖谈话

    14-04-18 Fat talk refers to conversations in which women criticise their body shape, despite often not being overweight. Fat talk(肥胖谈话)指女同胞之间以抱怨身材不好为话题的闲聊,虽然她们本身都并不算胖。 The overwhelming majority of college women - 93% - e...

  • cookie talk 饼干谈话

    14-02-25 Cookie talk refers to a low-key, informal chat, particularly one where cookies are served. 饼干谈话指的是低调的非正式的闲聊,通常是一边吃饼干一边聊。 Housewives often do this when one of the neighbours bring some fresh-baked cookies. In this way the...

  • Doozie

    14-01-09 Doozie Albert Goldbarth A bun in her oven? Geez Louise, isn't that malarkey(胡说) ? Estelle? Miss Goody-Two-Shoes? I thought it was bunkum too, when I heard it. Really: you coulda knocked me for a loop. But Alice told me, and she's jake. Alice: th...

  • When do people talk least?

    13-12-12 Student A: When do people talk least? Student B: In February. Student A: Why? Student B: Because February is the shortest month of a year. 学生甲:人们什么时候说话最少? 学生甲:人们在什么时候说话最少? 学生乙:在二月。 学生甲:为什么呢? 学生乙:因...

  • deep bro talk 哥们儿深聊

    13-09-02 Deep bro talk is a serious talk between two close male friends, in which they talk about all the things going on in their life at the moment. Deep bro talks are sacred meetings, and all the things discussed during them cannot be told to anyone else...

  • Eight Cousins - Chapter 21

    13-08-09 A Scare Brother Alec, you surely don't mean to allow that child to go out such a bitter cold day as this, said Mrs. Myra, looking into the study, where the Doctor sat reading his paper, one February morning. Why not? If a delicate invalid like yours...

  • 《地心历险记2》四

    13-07-31 片段对白 Sean: Hey, how's it going? Kalani: Well, apart from you stranding us on this stupid island, just fine. Sean: Good. Good. So, hey, I was thinking, you know, sometime we could hang out or something...if you wanted to. Kalani: I have a feeling...

  • 《天生一对》四

    13-07-22 精彩对白 Chessy: You got something you want to share with the class, there, Hal? Annie: Chessy, you--you gave me a fright . Chessy: I gave you a fright? Annie: You scared me. I didn't know you were like-- like in here. Chessy: Are you sure there isn...

  • 疟原虫相互之间会“交谈”

    13-05-17 Melbourne scientists have made the surprise discovery that malaria parasites can 'talk' to each other -- a social behaviour to ensure the parasite's survival and improve its chances of being transmitted to other humans. The finding could provide a n...

  • 脑部语言蛋白多导致女性话多

    13-02-24 美国马里兰州大学神经学家和心理学家联合进行的一项研究显示,女性的确比男性话多,其原因是女性大脑中的语言蛋白比较多。 Women do really talk more than men, a study has concluded. American researchers found females are the more talkative sex because of a...