• 会议报告、演讲之后提问

    22-08-15 Thats an amazing model/useful concept, but it occurred to me that [this/something] might also play a role....Have you considered ...? Thanks for your talk. I completely agree with your conclusion, but as Im sure youre aware, Dr. XX explains this in...

  • 商务场合small talk的艺术

    22-08-02 先来看看何为small talk? Small talk: Conversation without real meaning; conversation without any particular purpose; conversation about general subjects; conversation one starts with unfamiliar people in order to be more involved; conversation used t...

  • Have a heart-to-heart talk 促膝长谈

    22-07-04 Have a heart-to-heart talk 与某人进行坦率且诚实的谈话,也就是促膝长谈 I think its time we had a heart-to-heart talk about your grades. 我觉得,我们是时候就你的成绩来一场促膝长谈了。 She called her friend Betty to have a heart-to-heart talk with her...

  • 课堂上老师的常用语-引入话题

    22-06-22 Now, lets start todays lesson. 现在咱们开始讲课。 What we are going to cover today is 我们今天要讲的内容是 First of all, I would like to talk about 首先,我想讲一下 Today, I am going to talk about/What I want to do today is 今天我要讲的内容是/我今天...

  • 瑞典马尔默的垃圾桶用性感女声吸引人扔垃圾

    22-06-20 为了让本地的垃圾桶吃进更多垃圾,保持道路清洁,瑞典马尔默市让垃圾桶发出性感女声,吸引行人把垃圾投放进垃圾桶。 The Swedish city of Malm is taking dirty talk to a whole new level in its latest effort to clean up the streets. 为了清洁街道,瑞典马尔默市...

  • 约会口语-浪漫告白

    22-06-10 通常在告白以前,注意一定要确定:时间、地点、氛围都合适,否则要不对方不走心,要不就觉得你在开玩笑~最后尴尴尬尬,不造怎么收尾~ 首先,你需要一张严肃脸,表示自己是相当的认真,其实,我有话对你说...,确定进入正题以后就敞开心扉来表达你的心意吧~ 1. Look, I...

  • 有话直说吧!

    22-06-10 1. Dont hum and haw. Give it to me straight. 别支支吾吾的,有话直说吧。 2. Dont beat around the bush. 别拐弯抹角了! 3. Dont keep me in suspense. 别和我卖关子。 4. Its time to talk turkey about the problems in our relationship. 我们感情方面的问题是时...

  • talk in whispers 交头接耳

    22-06-06 交头接耳,汉语成语,形容两个人靠得很近,低声交谈。可以翻译为talk in whispers,或 whisper to each other等。 例句: 两个小姑娘交头接耳嗤嗤笑着。 The two little girls tittered and whispered to each other. 观众们又开始交头接耳。 The spectators began to...

  • 如何用英语和前任说再见——别再联系了

    22-05-11 Dont call me any more. 以后别再打给我了。 I dont think we should see each other anymore. 我想我们以后不要再见面了。 If we dont talk for a while. 我们这段时间不要联系了。 Ill get in touch after they release me. 请不要与我联系和发短信。...

  • Do you read me? 你懂我的意思吗?

    22-05-10 Do you read me? Definition: question asked usually in a stern manner to ask if someone understands 定义:通常是严厉地问某人是否理解自己的意思 Well have no more talk! Do you read me?! 我们没什么好谈的,懂我的意思吗? Thats enough. Do you read me? 够...