• Fat talk 女生常谈的话题

    12-02-29 Fat talk refers to conversations in which women criticise their body shape, despite often not being overweight. Fat talk (肥胖谈话)指女同胞之间以抱怨身材不好为话题的闲聊,虽然她们本身都并不算胖。 The overwhelming majority of college women 93% enga...

  • 《良医妙药》五

    11-12-01 精彩对白 John Crowley: Does he have about 5? Colleague: He does, yeah. John Crowley: Thanks. Colleague: No problem, Mr. Crowley. John Crowley: Hey, Kent? Knock-knock. Got a minute? Kent? Kent: Do you have any idea what you've done? John Crowley: Exc...

  • 《良医妙药》四

    11-12-01 精彩对白 John Crowley: Dr. Renzler, be reasonable. The company is only 6 months old, and we are making great progress towards in vivo testing. Dr. Renzler: I don't know. The way the company is burning money... John Crowley: Well, we've got to get a...

  • Chat gravity 聊天重力

    11-06-14 Chat gravity refers to the degree of familiarity with another person, which, if you chance to encounter them on the street, will determine if you merely greet them in passing or stop to talk. 聊天重力指你跟另一个人的熟悉程度决定了你们在街头偶遇的时...

  • 《十日拍拖手册》二

    11-04-07 影片对白: Michelle: Hi. Jeannie: Hi. Michelle: I-I don't really want to talk about it, okay? Jeannie: Okay. Andie: Okay. Michelle: Okay. Why does this always happen to me? Things were going great for, like, a week and a half, and then, all of a sud...

  • 《新娘靠边闪》五

    11-03-17 精彩对白 Father: All I'm saying is you two are sisters. You have got to work this out. Jane: I'm telling you, she doesn't want to talk. Father: No, no. She loves you. Everything is gonna be fine. Okay. If you just- Tess: Dad? What the hell is she do...

  • 朝鲜对韩国先发制人的言论表示愤怒

    10-01-25 North Korea has responded angrily to the South's suggestion that it could launch a pre-emptive strike against Pyongyang's nuclear facilities. 韩国政府称要对平壤核设施进行先发制人的打击,朝鲜政府对此表示愤怒。 North Korea's nuclear programme has heig...

  • 英国航空职员罢工事宜进一步会谈将继续

    09-12-17 Talks to try to avert strike action by British Airways cabin crew are due to resume later after ending without agreement on Wednesday. 本周三由英国航空公司发起的避免航班空服人员罢工的谈话未达成一致协议,将会重新开始。 About a million BA passengers w...

  • 朝鲜同意就核问题与美国合作

    09-12-11 North Korea says it will continue to co-operate with the US on ending its nuclear programme and agrees that stalled talks need to resume. 朝鲜政府称将就核计划问题与美国继续合作并同意重新开始六方会谈。 The Yongbyon nuclear facility is the North's key...

  • 英国政府建议年轻人注意性安全

    09-11-30 The government has launched a campaign to encourage young people to talk more openly about sex and contraception. 英国政府发起一项活动,鼓励年轻人更加公开地谈论性和避孕。 The teenage pregnancy rate in the UK is Europe's highest and ministers want to...