• 埃及陆军元帅宣布参加总统竞选

    14-03-27 Field Marshal Abdul Fattah al-Sisi has announced that he has resigned as Egypt's military chief in order to stand for the presidency. 埃及陆军元帅阿卜杜勒法塔赫宣布辞职以参加总统竞...

  • 米歇尔·巴奇莱特宣誓担任智利总统

    14-03-12 Michelle Bachelet, 62, has been sworn in as the president of Chile, her second time in office. 62岁的米歇尔巴奇莱特宣誓担任智利总统,这是她第二次掌权。 Michelle Bachelet received the presidential sash from Senate President Isabel Allende The sociali...

  • 俄罗斯拒绝与乌克兰举行会谈

    14-03-12 Russia's leaders are refusing all negotiations with their Ukrainian counterparts, Ukraine's acting President Oleksandr Turchynov has said. 乌克兰代理总统图尔奇诺夫称,俄罗斯领导人拒绝与乌克兰举行谈判。 He told AFP news agency that Ukraine would not...

  • 乌干达总统将签署反同性恋法案

    14-02-24 Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni is set to sign into law a controversial new bill under which homosexuals could be given long prison terms. 乌干达总统约韦里穆塞韦尼将签署生效一份具有争议的法案,该法案规定同性恋者将被长期监禁。 He wants to approve t...

  • 俄罗斯召回驻乌克兰大使

    14-02-24 Russia has recalled its ambassador to Ukraine over what it described as the deteriorating situation in the country. 俄罗斯宣布召回驻乌克兰大使,因该国局势不断恶化。 Moscow has condemned the removal of President Viktor Yanukovych, who was dismissed b...

  • 委内瑞拉两名学生示威途中被枪杀

    14-02-13 At least two people have been shot dead during a student demonstration in the Venezuelan capital, Caracas. 委内瑞拉首都加拉加斯一群学生举行示威活动,至少两人被枪杀。 Thousands of people gathered in central Caracas to protest against the government o...

  • 瓦莱丽欲向奥朗德索要分手费

    14-02-07 FRANCOIS Hollande had hoped to draw a line under the scandal plunging his presidency into farce when he phoned the French state news agency to announce his separation from Valerie Trierweiler. 弗朗索瓦奥朗德本希望通过法国国家通讯社电话宣布他和瓦莱丽...

  • 希拉里坦言近20年没有开过车

    14-02-07 Hillary Rodham Clinton admitted she hasn't driven a car since her husband's first term. 有望在2016年角逐美国总统宝座的希拉里坦言她已近20年没有开过车。 The last time I actually drove a car myself was 1996, Clinton said Monday in remarks to the Nation...

  • 美国团体公开支持希拉里参加2016年总统竞选

    14-01-28 Jim Messina said that Priorities USA Action, which played a key role in Mr Obama's election success in 2012, has started start raising funds for a prospective presidential run by the former First Lady. 美国重量级选举团体优先美国行动1月23日明确表示支...

  • 萨科齐有意在2017年参选总统

    14-01-28 法国前第一夫人贝尔纳黛特希拉克当天透露,尼古拉斯萨科齐有意在2017年参选总统。与此同时,萨科齐在沉寂将近两年后首次在社交媒体上传了自己的照片,似乎确有东山再起之意。 Bernadette Chirac let slip(无意中吐露) on Wednesday that there was no question Nicol...