• 希拉里:难以拒绝“独具魅力的男士”

    14-10-18 Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made a very awkward joke on Wednesday about her inability to turn down 'charismatic, attractive' men. 美国前国务卿希拉里开了个不太合适的玩笑,称她难以拒绝独具魅力的男士。 During an on-stage interview at the...

  • 第十届亚欧会议在米兰召开

    14-10-17 The tenth Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) opened in Milan, Italy on Thursday under the theme of Responsible Partnership for Growth and Security. 第十届亚欧会议本周四在意大利米兰召开,此次大会的主题是构建负责任伙伴关系,促进可持续增长与安全。 French Presi...

  • 玻利维亚总统埃沃·莫拉莱斯赢得三连任

    14-10-13 Bolivia's President Evo Morales has claimed victory and a third term in office after presidential elections. 玻利维亚总统大选之后,总统埃沃莫拉莱斯宣布竞选成功,即将开始第三任期。 Evo Morales greeted supporters from the balcony of the presidential p...

  • 海地前总统杜华利埃病逝

    14-10-05 Haiti's former ruler Jean-Claude Baby Doc Duvalier has died of a heart attack in the capital Port-au-Prince aged 63, official sources say. 海地前统治者让-克洛德医生小子杜华利埃因心脏病逝于首都太子港,终年63岁。 For some time, Jean-Claude Duvalier wa...

  • 阿什拉夫·加尼宣誓担任阿富汗新任总统

    14-09-29 Ashraf Ghani has been sworn in as Afghanistan's president in a ceremony at the presidential palace in Kabul. 阿什拉夫加尼在喀布尔总统府中举行的一场仪式中宣誓担任阿富汗总统。 Abdullah Abdullah (l) and Ashraf Ghani signed the power-sharing agreement l...

  • 切尔西·克林顿喜得千金

    14-09-28 Chelsea Clinton, daughter of former US President Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, has given birth to a baby girl. 切尔西克林顿,美国前总统比尔克林顿与前国务卿希拉里克林顿之女,近日生下一名女婴。 Marc and I are full of love...

  • 拜登讲话 为中产阶级提供机会

    14-09-12 Ladies and gentlemen, this is Joe Biden, I'm filling in for President Obama, while he addresses the NATO summit in Wales. When the President and I took office in January of 2009, this nation was in the midst of the greatest economic crisis since the...

  • 玛丽娜·席尔瓦被提名为巴西总统候选人

    14-08-21 The Brazilian Socialist Party (PSB) has formally named the internationally-acclaimed environmental campaigner Marina Silva as its new presidential candidate. 巴西社会党正式提名享誉国际的环保活动家玛丽娜席尔瓦为新的总统候选人。 Marina Silva said she...

  • 哥伦比亚总统桑托斯将宣誓就职

    14-08-07 Foreign delegations from 73 countries have arrived in Colombia for the inauguration of President Juan Manuel Santos. 来自73个国家的外交代表团抵达哥伦比亚参加总统胡安曼努埃尔桑托斯的就职典礼。 Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos facing the challen...

  • 小布什为老布什所著传记即将完成

    14-08-05 His paintings made news worldwide, but it turns out that former President George W. Bush has been working on another, highly personal project since leaving the White House: He has quietly completed a biography of his father, former President George...