• 克林顿似乎不想希拉里当美国总统

    14-08-01 Bill Clinton doesn't want his wife to win the U.S. presidency, according to sources cited in an explosive new book about the $100 million conglomerate that the Clintons have become since they left the White House. 根据美国《旗帜周刊》编辑丹尼尔哈尔...

  • 法国总统奥朗德将于下月结婚

    14-07-25 Francois Hollande is preparing to marry his mistress on his 60th birthday next month, according to sensational media reports in France. 法国媒体称,法国总统弗朗索瓦奥朗德准备在他下月60岁生日时迎娶绯闻女星。 The country's bachelor president has been...

  • 印尼将公布新任总统人选

    14-07-22 Indonesia is to name its new president, following a hotly-contested election that saw both candidates claim victory. 印度尼西亚政府将要公布新任总统,此前一场竞争激烈的竞选中两位候选人都宣称获胜。 Rivals Joko Widodo (L) and Prabowo Subianto (R) draw...

  • 奥巴马吃烧烤插队 为顾客买单表歉意

    14-07-20 7月10日美国总统奥巴马在德克萨斯州发表演说,在演讲结束赶往机场的路上空降德克萨斯州著名的富兰克林烧烤店,结果因排队的人太多而被迫行使总统特权插队,为表歉意,他还为排在前面的两位顾客买单。 President Obama (or at least, his wranglers) made the strong ch...

  • 法国前总统萨科奇涉嫌以权谋私被拘留

    14-07-01 French ex-President Nicolas Sarkozy has been detained for questioning over alleged influence peddling. 法国前总统尼古拉萨科奇因被指认以权谋私接受问话而被拘留。 The latest developments are seen as a blow to Mr Sarkozy's attempts to stand again for th...

  • 奥巴马溜出白宫到星巴克买饮料

    14-06-13 According to reporters who were present, the president ducked out of the White House with his Chief of Staff, Denis McDonough, after making remarks at an event on student loan debt earlier this afternoon. 当地时间6月9日下午,美国总统奥巴马和白宫办公...

  • 南非开始进行总统大选

    14-05-07 Polls have opened in South Africa's fifth general election since the end of apartheid 20 years ago. 南非已开始进行大选,这是20年前种族隔离结束之后的第五次大...

  • 萨科齐曾勾引奥朗德前女友特里耶韦莱

    14-04-27 Former French president Nicolas Sarkozy tried to seduce Valerie Trierweiler, the former partner of his successor President Hollande, it has been claimed. 有爆料称法国前总统萨科齐曾经试图勾引现总统奥朗德前女友瓦莱丽特里耶韦莱。 Mr Sarkozy allegedly a...

  • An incompetent Lawyer 不称职的律师

    14-04-14 A lawyer was examining a suspect to check whether he was mentally ill. Who was our first president? asked the lawyer. The suspect answered, Washington. Right, And who was our second president? said the lawyer. The suspect answered, John Adams. Corre...

  • 总统出访花费几何

    14-04-04 You can see a video of First Lady Michelle Obama playing ping-pong in China, hear her talk about the importance of studying abroad and view a of picture of her huddling with her daughters with the Great Wall Of China snaking into the distance. What...