• 澳大利亚圣诞岛附近发生船只触礁事故

    10-12-15 Many people are feared to have drowned after a boat carrying suspected asylum seekers crashed into rocks on Australia's Christmas Island. 一艘载有疑似寻求庇护人员的船只在澳大利亚圣诞岛附近触礁,恐怕造成多人被淹死。 Pictures from the scene showed the...

  • 学费上涨 查尔斯王子座驾遭大学生袭击

    10-12-10 Britain's Prince Charles and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall react as their car is attacked, in London, Thursday, Dec. 9, 2010. LONDON Furious student protesters attacked a car carrying Prince Charles and his wife, Camilla, vandalized(毁坏,摧残) bui...

  • 以色列发生森林大火 40人死亡

    10-12-03 About 40 people have died in what is thought to be Israel's largest ever forest fire, police have said. 警方称,一场可能是以色列历史上最大的森林大火造成大约40人死亡。 Many of the victims were prison guards travelling on a bus which was caught in the...

  • 阿富汗警署遭自杀式炸弹袭击

    10-11-29 Two suicide bombers have attacked a police HQ in Afghanistan's south-eastern Paktika province, officials say, killing at least 12 officers. 阿富汗东南部帕克蒂卡省警察总部遭到两起自杀式炸弹袭击,至少12名警官丧生。 A Taliban spokesman said its fighter...

  • 美墨边境发现第二条毒品走私隧道

    10-11-29 Police have uncovered a 670m (2,200ft) drug smugglers' tunnel under the US-Mexico border - the second such discovery this month. 墨西哥警方在美墨边境发现了一条670米长的毒品走私隧道,这是本月发现的第二条隧道。 The 800m-long tunnel has a ventilation s...

  • 巴西军方控制住某贩毒据点

    10-11-29 Brazilian security forces have taken control of a major Rio de Janeiro drug trafficker stronghold. 巴西安全部队已经控制了里约热内卢一个主要贩毒团伙的据点。 Some 2,600 police and troops, backed by armoured vehicles and helicopters, moved into the Ale...

  • 里约热内卢警方已控制贩毒团伙的据点

    10-11-26 Police in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, say they now have total control of the Vila Cruzeiro shanty town, as they continue a crackdown on violent drug gangs. 巴西城市里约热内卢警方称,他们已经完全控制了维拉克鲁塞罗贫民区,继续对暴力贩毒团伙进行镇压。 Poli...

  • job reshuffle 换岗

    10-11-25 《中国日报》的报道: At least 3,000 police officials in Chongqing are facing a major job reshuffle to clean up the police force tainted by its protection of several organized gangs. 重庆将有至少3000名警察面临大换岗,此次换岗的目的是对有黑帮保护伞之...

  • 霍乱导致海地首都民众暴动

    10-11-19 Protests linked to the outbreak of cholera in Haiti have spread to parts of the capital, Port-au-Prince. 霍乱的爆发导致海地首都太子港部分地区发生暴动。 Demonstrators vented their anger at the UN mission Police fired tear gas as demonstrators set up...

  • 巴西警方破获一个国际贩毒集团

    10-11-18 Police in Brazil say they have arrested 22 people as part of an 18-month effort to break an international drug syndicate. 巴西警方称,经过18个月的努力,他们破获一个国际贩毒集团,逮捕22人。 The arrests are the latest in Operation Desert, targeting a...