• 危地马拉警察局长涉嫌贩毒被逮捕

    10-03-03 Guatemala's chief of national police and the country's top anti-drugs official have been arrested over alleged links to drug trafficking. 危地马拉国家警察局长和国家顶级禁毒官员因涉嫌毒品走私而被逮捕。 Mexican drug gangs are increasingly operating th...

  • 伦敦警察局长Ali Dizaei因贪污入狱

    10-02-09 Metropolitan Police Commander Ali Dizaei has been sentenced to four years for assaulting and falsely arresting a man in a dispute over 600. 伦敦警察局长Ali Dizaei因在一场关于600英镑的纠纷中袭击并错误逮捕了一名男子而被判四年有期徒刑。 Southwark Crown...

  • 奥斯比次集中营标语盗窃者正接受审讯

    09-12-22 The Arbeit macht frei sign stolen from Auschwitz in southern Poland has been found in the north and five men are being questioned by police. 波兰南部城市奥斯比次失窃的劳动创造自由标语在波兰北部被发现,五名嫌疑犯正在接受警方审讯。 The sign has been r...

  • 澳大利亚对饮酒暴力事件展开整顿行动

    09-12-11 Australian police are beginning their biggest coordinated operation to curb alcohol-related violence on Friday. 澳大利亚警方正在对与饮酒有关的暴力事件展开最大规模的整顿行动。 Although Australia has a drinking culture, people in the UK drink more Ope...

  • 尼日利亚警方称受到特赦国际不公正待遇

    09-12-10 Nigerian police say rights group Amnesty treated them unfairly after the group accused them of routinely killing and disappearing civilians. 尼日利亚警方称自从特赦国际控告他们杀害平民之后,他们就受到不公正待遇。 Police spokesman Emmanuel Ojukwu told...

  • 尼日利亚某医院“被警方带来的死尸淹没”

    09-12-09 A Nigerian hospital has told the BBC it is overwhelmed by the number of corpses being brought to them by police. 一家尼日利亚医院负责人告诉BBC,他们医院快被警方带来的尸体淹没了。 Some of the bodies were piled on top of each other The Chief Medical D...

  • 菲律宾戒严进行突击搜捕

    09-12-07 Philippines police have arrested more than 60 people and found a major arms and ammunition cache, in raids after a poll-related massacre in the south. 菲律宾警方在南部政治大屠杀之后进行突击搜捕,逮捕60多人、发现了一个大型武器弹药隐藏处。 Troops have...

  • 伊拉克发生自杀式炸弹袭击

    09-12-04 A suicide bomber has killed a police chief and at least four others during an attack in the Iraqi town of Tikrit, police officials say. 伊拉克城市提克里特发生一起自杀式爆炸袭击事件,造成一名警察局长和其他四人死亡。 The target of the attack appeared...

  • 美国警察局长发誓缉拿杀害四名警察的凶手

    09-12-01 A gunman who shot dead four US police officers as they sat in a cafe in Washington State will be brought to justice, a police chief has vowed. 美国一位警察局长发誓,会将华盛顿州一个咖啡馆杀害四名警官的持枪歹徒缉拿归案。 Police have issued arrest war...

  • 德梅塞斯家属将从警方接受赔偿金

    09-11-24 The Metropolitan Police have reached a compensation deal with the family of Jean Charles de Menezes, mistakenly shot dead by officers in July 2005. 大都会警察局与金查尔斯德梅塞斯的家属达成赔偿协议,该男子在2005年七月被警官错误射杀。 Jean Charles de...