• 美探索通信公司总部遭持枪男子袭击

    10-09-02 A gunman who took three hostages at the Discovery Communications headquarters in the US has been shot dead by police and his captives have been set free. 一位持枪男子在美国探索通信公司总部劫持了三名人质,最后被警方射杀,人质获自由。 The man had meta...

  • 墨西哥警方抓获毒枭埃德加·瓦尔迪兹

    10-08-31 Mexican police have arrested top drug trafficker Edgar Valdez, a US citizen also known as Barbie, Mexico's attorney general says. 墨西哥司法部长称,墨西哥警方逮捕头号毒品贩子埃德加瓦尔迪兹,一位被称为芭比娃娃的美国公民。 Valdez had a $2m tag on his...

  • 阿富汗八名警员遭塔利班杀害

    10-08-26 Taliban militants have killed eight Afghan police officers in the northern province of Kunduz, police have said. 阿富汗警方称,塔利班武装分子在北方昆都士省杀害8名警员。 More than 10 insurgents(叛乱分子) raided a checkpoint(检查站,关卡) outside...

  • 瑞典男子过度超速面临65万英镑罚款

    10-08-21 瑞典一名男子因过度超速将面临高达65万英镑的罚款,开创了全球最高的超速罚金纪录。 Police with the black Mercedes Benz they caught doing 180mph. A Swedish motorist(驾车旅行的人) is facing the world's biggest ever speeding fine of 650,000 after being c...

  • 南非集结军队对抗罢工工人

    10-08-20 South Africa's army has been called in to protect hospitals from striking public sector workers. 南非政府调集军队以保护医院免受国营部门工人罢工的破坏。 More than a million civil servants(公务员) began an indefinite strike on Wednesday, calling for...

  • 俄罗斯说唱歌手因嘲弄警察被拘留

    10-08-04 One of Russia's most infamous rappers has been sentenced to 10 days in jail for mocking police. 俄罗斯名声最差的说唱歌手之一因为嘲弄警察被拘留10天。 Noize MC (right) is notorious for his caustic lyrics Ivan Alexeyev, aka Noize MC, taunted(奚落,嘲...

  • Excuse for Speeding 超速的理由

    10-06-29 Excuse for Speeding Harry and Lloyd were speeding down the road. A police car pulled them over. Why on earth were you driving so fast? the policeman yelled. Our brakes are no good-so we wanted to get there before we had an accident! 超速的理由 哈里...

  • 尼日利亚国民大会发生打斗 议员受伤

    10-06-23 A Nigerian lawmaker has broken his arm in a scuffle in the National Assembly. 尼日利亚某立法委员在参加国民大会时,在期间的一场打斗中伤了胳膊。 Solomon Ahwinahwi is part of a group of Representatives trying to force the Speaker to step down. He was i...

  • 牙买加毒枭克里斯多夫落网

    10-06-23 Police in Jamaica say they have arrested suspected drug lord Christopher Dudus Coke on the outskirts of the capital, Kingston. 牙买加警方宣称,他们已在首都金斯顿郊区逮捕了毒枭嫌疑犯克里斯多夫杜杜什库克。 Christopher Dudus Coke is wanted in the US Of...

  • 以色列一名警察遇袭受伤致死

    10-06-15 An Israeli policeman has died of injuries sustained in an attack in the West Bank. 一名以色列警察在约旦河西岸一场袭击中受伤致死。 Reports suggest that the attack was an ambush Israeli police officials said the attack, near the southern West Bank cit...