• Little Women - Chapter 38

    20-09-28 In France the young girls have a dull time of it till they are married, when Vive la liberte! becomes their motto. In America, as everyone knows, girls early sign the declaration of independence, and enjoy their freedom with republican zest, but the...

  • sex expert 性学专家

    20-09-26 A person who professes a knowledge of sexual matters; A sex expert, especially a therapist who treats persons complaining of sexual dysfunction; Someone who has studied, or knows much about sex. This is the kind of person you can go to for advice an...

  • Eavesread 窥读

    20-09-26 Eavesread is to surreptitiously read the text that another person is reading or writing. 窥读就是偷偷摸摸地读别人在读或者写的文字。 这个词是仿照eavesdrop(偷听)造出来的。Eavesdrop是用耳朵,而eavesread用的是眼睛。 For example: Eleanor and Parks epi...

  • askhole 寻求你的建议但从来不照着做的人

    20-09-26 Whats an askhole, you ask? Its a word thats come up recently to describe someone who ask for your advice but never follows through on it or does the opposite of what you told them. Id add to the definition the person who always wants free consulting...

  • act bravely for a just cause 见义勇为

    20-09-22 见义勇为是中华民族自古崇尚的优良品格和行为。无论古今,见义勇为都是一种良好的社会道德风尚,是社会文明进步的重要标志。 见义勇为,汉语成语,出自《论语为政》,见义不为,无勇也(One who does nothing when encountering injustice is a coward),意思是看到正...

  • end one's days on one's native soil 叶落归根

    20-09-18 叶落归根,字面意思是树叶凋落,回到树根周围(Leaves wither and fall on the ground by the tree roots. )。比喻事物总有一定的归宿,现多指久居异乡的人终究会返回故里( A person residing elsewhere finally returns to his native land.)。它包含着中国人自古...

  • 中华人民共和国民事诉讼法 18

    20-09-16 第二节 审理前的准备 Section 2 Preparations for Trial 第一百一十三条 人民法院应当在立案之日起五日内将起诉状副本发送被告,被告在收到之日起十五日内提出答辩状。 Article 113 The peoples court shall send a copy of the statement of complaint to the defenda...

  • 一首正反读都可以的诗

    20-09-08 Im very ugly 我很丑 So dont try to convince me that 所以别试图说服我 I am a very beautiful person 我长得很好看 Because at the end of the day 因为说到底 I hate myself in every single way 我都恨我自己的一切 And Im not going to lie to myself by saying...

  • take a dig at 挖苦

    20-08-29 挖苦,意思是用刻薄的话讥笑、讽刺别人,可以翻译为speak ironically/sarcastically。还可以用短语take a dig at表示,意思是intentionally insult, offend, demean or be derogatory towards another person,dig作名词有挖苦;嘲讽的意思。 例句: 我这门语言讲得不...

  • Cynically optimistic person 乐观的愤世嫉俗者

    20-08-28 Cynically optimistic person is somebody who acknowledges the fact that humanity is crap but also believes in its capacity to do good. 乐观的愤世嫉俗者指那些承认人性黑暗但同时也相信人能行善的人。 Example: If youre that person who wants to cut the nex...