• 装蒜

    22-08-17 1. Youre asking the wrong person. 你问错人了。 2. Ive never given it much thought. 这事儿我从来没多想。 3. I dont think its any of my business. 我觉得这事跟我没什么关系。 4. Your guess is as good as mine. 你要不知道,那我就更不知道了。 5. I dont hav...

  • 包含水果的地道口语 上

    22-08-03 1.To compare apples and oranges is to uselessly compare unlike things. 对比不相干的事物,没有意义。 2.The apple of (ones) eye is a favorite or well-like person. 掌上明珠。 3.To say that the apple never falls far from the tree is to suggest that a pe...

  • she is your double 一模一样的人

    22-07-15 She is your double是什么意思? 在英语中,double除了做形容词,表示两倍的;成双的;双份的以外,还可以做名词,表示:一模一样的人;极相像的人。 对此,剑桥词典是这样释义的: a person who looks exactly the same as someone else. 一个看起来和别人完全一样的人。...

  • in the light of this 鉴于此

    22-05-07 in the light of this 鉴于此 In the light of this, she wondered whether you might consider staying on in a new role. 鉴于此,她想知道你能否重新考虑以一个新职务留下来。 Notes:in the light of 表示根据某种情况,鉴于此,同义的还有一个单词given .例如: I...

  • Cara Delevingne走出抑郁 中

    22-04-15 So, I got taken out of school, went to therapy, got put on antidepressants, kind of clawed my way back to some sort of rational thought, which took a while. 所以,我被带出了学校接受治疗,服用了抗抑郁药,我慢慢的恢复了理智,但是花费了很长时间。 But b...

  • 10句温柔而残忍的婉转语 下

    22-04-08 6. Well, if you want the truth... 好吧,如果你想听真话 真实含义: Ive been lying this entire time. 我其实一直在撒谎。 7. Im not trying to be mean... 我不想那么刻薄 But Im about to destroy you. 但是我要开始打击你了。 8. Yeah, about that... 关于那件事...

  • 10个有趣的英语习语

    22-03-07 1.The lights are on but nobodys home used to describe a stupid person. 灯亮着却没人在家用于描述很愚蠢的人。 Example: She really has no clue- the lights are on but nobodys home! 例子:她完全抓不着头绪脑子笨的像头猪。 2.When pigs fly about something t...

  • 各国民众对书籍的“口味”各有不同

    22-03-03 大数据分析显示,从世界范围来看,各国民众对书籍的口味各有不同。美国人爱看经典书籍,拉美人爱看恐怖故事和浪漫文学,德国、意大利、波兰人则爱看奇幻小说。 Reading habits look different around the world. In India, the average person devotes 10 hours and 42...

  • two-faced 两面派;伪君子

    22-02-28 大家都知道咱们常说的二皮脸的意思是脸皮厚,我发现英语中有一个表达字面意思与二皮脸很像:two-faced。 如果有人说She is a two-faced person. 你会不会就想当然理解为她脸皮很厚。呢? 这是不对的哦~ Two-faced其实指的是两面派;伪君子,英文解释为:Duplicitous; h...

  • Pig-headed 固执的

    22-02-09 形容一个人非常非常固执或根本不会改变想法。所以,如果说某人pig-headed,就是指这个人不是很容易相处。 例句: - This man are ridiculously pig-headed and stubborn. 这个男人是如此可笑的死脑筋和顽固不化。 - I have been told by one person with lots of post...