• 与笑话有关的英语表达

    21-10-02 以幽默为主题的节日并不少见。除了我们熟知的愚人节外,还有一个供大家热闹说笑的日子 每年7月1日的国际笑话日。你了解关于笑话的英语表达吗?幽默感用英语怎么说?脱口秀演员常讲的趣闻逸事叫什么?《英语小测验》为你带来与笑话有关的英语表达。 1. The person who i...

  • have good manners 有礼貌

    21-09-28 有礼貌不能直译为have manners,manners前面要加上形容词修饰。 英语里,have good manners表示有礼貌,没礼貌要说have bad manners,把没礼貌说成have no manners太中式了。 ill-mannered /l mnrd/举止粗鲁的;没礼貌的 well-mannered /wel mnrd/举止得当的;有礼貌的...

  • a night person 夜猫子

    21-09-28 夜猫子是指经常熬夜的人,所以用英语就可以表示成a night person。 例句: We all know that Bob is a night person. 我们都知道,鲍勃是个夜猫子。 - Are you always staying up late? -你经常熬夜吗? - No, Im not a night person. -不,我可不是个夜猫子。 夜猫子还...

  • 取个好名字到底有多重要?

    21-09-10 给孩子取名是很多做父母的人生命中最重要的决定之一,因为一个人的名字通常会伴随其一生。本期 随身英语 讨论取个好名字究竟有多重要。 New parents often spend a long time debating what to call their newborn. Should they name them after a relative, a famous...

  • live in the present 生活在此时此刻

    21-08-30 Present 作为名词有两个意思。A present 意思是礼物。The present 是此时此刻。在你告诉某人应该 live in the present 的时候意思是要生活在此时此刻,集中在眼前的事情,不要管过去或将来。 例句 Dont worry if your former boyfriend cheated on you. Live in the pr...

  • 与人对话时注意避免7个错误

    21-08-30 1. Assuming that nobody wants to talk to you 假设没人愿意和你交谈 If youre shy, I get it. But youre not the only one. If youre fretting about seeming confident or natural, youre missing the point: Stop thinking about yourself. Instead, think of reac...

  • frog in a well 井底之蛙

    21-08-17 井底之蛙,井底下的青蛙(frog in a well),只能看到井口那么大的一块天。比喻见识短浅的人。可以翻译为person with a narrow view,person with a very limited outlook等。 例句: 如果他们纵容自己呆在校园提供的安全感里,他们就会变成井底之蛙,永远无法抓住适应...

  • 有五种人当敬而远之

    21-07-12 1. The Gossiper 八卦君 The gossiper make you feel like they are bringing you into the fold by sharing delicate information with you. It seems like all they do is gather and disperse chitchat about other people. However, this doesnt add value to your...

  • 约会对象在一次约会后突然消失

    21-07-05 如果一个人和你约会后就不见踪影,可能有多方面原因,并不是因为你不够好。 Men and women come in several behavioural layers. As such, one might not feel connected to his/her date regardless of how beautiful and intelligent the person may appear. 每个人...

  • 我认为

    21-07-01 1、Personally speaking 就我个人而言 例句: Personally speaking, she is so hot and sexy. 我认为,她身材火辣又性感。 2、I reckon 我认为,我想 Reckon这个词很少人知道,其实它是一个标准的四级词汇,它本身就有to think的意思。 例句: I reckon its going to r...