• moonlighter 月光人

    17-05-26 Moonlighter is a person who holds a second job (usually after hours). 月光人指的是拥有第二职业的人(通常在下班后去做)。 According to the US Department of Labor, about 7 to 8 million of us -- about 5+ percent of all workers -- work multiple jobs (wh...

  • prankvertising 恶作剧广告

    17-05-12 Prankvertising refers to using hoaxes or mischievous acts as part of a marketing campaign. 恶作剧广告指的是在营销活动中使用恶作剧或者恶搞行为。 Prankvertising, an advertising strategy that makes its point by tricking, scaring, or pranking an unsuspe...

  • Shouting head 高呼者

    17-03-31 Shouting head is a loud and aggressive person, particularly one who is a television pundit or commentator. 高呼者指的是说话大声且咄咄逼人的人,特别是电视评论员或解说员。 This phrase is the loudmouth version of a talking head, a person, such as a new...

  • 老外如何用英语表达“怂”

    17-03-21 coward 懦夫 I was, to my shame, a coward. 我很惭愧,我是个懦夫。 Hes a coward and a bully who confuses physical strength with manhood. 他是一个懦夫,一个分不清蛮力和大丈夫气概的恃强凌弱者。 But, at the same time, I admit that I was born a coward. 但...

  • 载客无人机今夏将在迪拜投入使用

    17-02-21 An autonomous drone that can transport humans will start ferrying passengers around Dubai this summer. 载客无人驾驶飞机今年夏天将开始在迪拜境内运送乘客。 The head of Dubais transportation agency said that self-flying taxis would start taking people...

  • office creeper 办公室窃贼

    17-02-12 Office creeper is a person who sneaks into an office building during business hours to steal personal items and equipment. 办公室窃贼指的是在办公时间偷偷溜进办公楼偷窃个人物品和设备的窃贼。 Office creepers -- thieves who walk into the workplace look...

  • slacktivist 懒惰的社会知识分子

    17-02-12 社交网络的流行,使网上出现了很多懒惰的社会知识分子。他们活跃在网络上、社交媒体上,不用实际行动,而仅仅用更换头像、发布更新这些办法去支持某个事件。 Slacktivist is a person that does simple things like change their avatar colour or post a status updat...

  • 《时代》周刊2016年度人物 特朗普

    16-12-10 Time magazine has named Donald Trump its Person of the Year - calling him President of the Divided States of America. 特朗普当...

  • 中华人民共和国民事诉讼法 12

    16-08-26 第二节 送 达 Section 2 Service 第七十七条 送达诉讼文书必须有送达回证,由受送达人在送达回证上记明收到日期,签名或者盖章。 Article 77 A receipt shall be required for every litigation document that is served and it shall bear the date of receipt noted...

  • 揭下嫉妒的面纱

    16-08-22 You just received the promotion you have worked so hard for, but you overhear a co-worker say that you got it because the boss only gives the easy projects to you while the hard ones are dumped on everyone else. Some of your envious co-workers come...