• 利用细菌可将石油转化为天然气

    10-06-18 Some bacteria destroy oil. Might those bacteria lead oil companies to change their methods of harvesting the energy of the oil while at the same time reducing the carbon dioxide(二氧化碳) that burning oil and gasoline(汽油) discharges into the a...

  • 英国石油总裁唐熙华将受到美国国会盘问

    10-06-17 BP boss Tony Hayward is set to face a grilling in the US Congress, a day after the oil firm agreed a $20bn (13.5bn) compensation fund for victims of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. 英国石油总裁唐熙华将要接受美国国会的盘问,日前英国石油已批准对墨西哥湾...

  • 奥巴马号召推动清洁能源的使用

    10-06-15 US President Barack Obama has called on his party and supporters to back a new future of clean energy. 美国总统奥巴马号召他所在的政党和支持者共同推动清洁能源的新未来。 Visiting areas affected by the BP oil spill(漏油,浮油) , he said the full reso...

  • 美宇航局卫星拍摄到墨西哥湾漏油最厚处

    10-06-14 NASA's Aqua(溶液,浅绿色) satellite flew over the Gulf of Mexico on Thursday, June 10 at 19:05 UTC (3:05 p.m. EDT) and the satellite's Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer ( MODIS中分辨率成像光谱仪 ) instrument captured an image of the th...

  • 奥巴马演讲 奥巴马就泄油事件的讲话

    10-06-13 Im speaking to you from Caminada Bay in Grand Isle, Louisiana, one of the first places to feel the devastation(毁坏,荒废) wrought by the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. While I was here, at Camerdelles Live Bait shop, I met with a group of local...

  • 奥巴马演讲 漏油事故新进展2

    10-06-13 Lisa, do you want to talk about that briefly? ADMINISTRATOR JACKSON: Yes, sir. We have health and safety officers and stations at each muster(集合,检阅) point. So if someone does come back in and feels in any way that theyve been exposed, or even...

  • 奥巴马演讲 漏油事故新进展1

    10-06-13 Well, I want to thank everybody who participated in this meeting. Most of the folks(人们) here were in the meeting that we had last week. One of the encouraging signs is that, at least with respect to(关于,至于) Louisiana, it seems that we made...

  • 深海漏油事故不会影响英美双边关系

    10-06-11 Bilateral ties will not be damaged by the continuing oil spill from a BP platform in the Gulf of Mexico, the UK and US governments say. 英国政府与美国政府宣布,英国石油公司在墨西哥湾的深海钻井漏油事故不会影响到双边关系。 The spill is believed to be...

  • 美国要求英国石油限期出台清理方案

    10-06-10 The US government has given BP 72 hours to present its latest plans to clean up the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. 美国政府限定英国石油公司必须在72小时之内做出清理墨西哥湾海底漏油的最新方案。 BP says its containment effort is going well, but there...

  • 奥巴马演讲 深海漏油事件的深度调查

    10-06-07 Good morning, everybody. I just met with these gentlemen, former Senator Bob Graham of Florida and former EPA Administrator, Bill Reilly. They will lead the National Commission on the BP oil spill(漏油,浮油) in the Gulf, which is now the greatest...