• 英国石油被指责隐藏油井爆炸资料

    10-08-20 Energy giant BP has been accused of hiding key data needed to investigate the Gulf of Mexico oil disaster. 能源巨头英国石油公司被指责将墨西哥湾海底漏油事故之关键资料隐藏起来。 BP said Transocean's allegations are misguided and misleading Transocean,...

  • 土耳其某输油管发生爆炸

    10-08-11 An explosion has hit an oil pipeline in south-east Turkey, killing two people and wounded one other, reports say. 报道称,土耳其东南部一条输油管发生爆炸,造成两人死亡、一人受伤。 The Kurdish separatist(分离主义者) group, the PKK, is suspected to h...

  • 英国石油对海底油井实施“静止封锁”

    10-08-04 BP has started the static kill of its leaking Gulf of Mexico oil well, a step towards permanently sealing it. 英国石油公司已经开始对墨西哥湾深海油井进行静止封锁,该操作可将油井永久封锁。 The Macondo well has been temporarily sealed with a cap for ju...

  • 处理墨西哥湾漏油所用分散剂的毒性没有石油大

    10-08-03 The dispersant used after the Gulf of Mexico oil spill is no more toxic than oil alone, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has said. 美国环保局称,处理墨西哥湾泄漏原油所使用的分散剂的毒性不会比石油大。 The EPA study follows concerns raised...

  • 英国石油将彻底封锁墨西哥湾海底油井

    10-08-02 BP could begin sealing its oil well in the Gulf of Mexico on Monday night, three months after its rupture led to the worst oil spill in US history. 英国石油将于本周一晚上封锁墨西哥湾海底油井,该油井泄露长达三个月,是美国历史上最严重的漏油事故。 Thad...

  • 壳牌石油第二季度利润几乎翻番

    10-07-29 Second-quarter profits at oil giant Royal Dutch Shell have almost doubled after the firm completed a year-long corporate restructuring programme. 石油巨头荷兰皇家壳牌第二季度获利几乎翻倍,该成就得益于公司完成了一项长达一年的企业重组计划。 Shell said...

  • 热带风暴来临 美国疏散海面船只

    10-07-23 Dozens of ships in the Gulf of Mexico have been ordered to leave the site of the BP oil spill by the US government as Tropical Storm Bonnie gathers pace. 美国政府下令,墨西哥湾海域英国石油漏油处的几十只船只离开该海域,因为热带风暴邦妮即将到来。 Inci...

  • 美国要求英国石油提供油井密封盖开启方案

    10-07-19 The US government has ordered BP to submit a plan for reopening its capped well in the Gulf of Mexico amid concerns that oil may be seeping from the ocean floor near the well. 美国政府下令英国石油公司向其递交一份重新开启墨西哥湾海底油井的方案,美国...

  • 英国石油将对海底油井进行气压试验

    10-07-15 Preparations for a key pressure test of the blown-out Gulf of Mexico oil well are under way, BP has said. 英国石油公司发言人称,公司正在准备对墨西哥湾泄露油井进行一次关键性气压试验。 The test, expected to yield information on how to seal the well pe...

  • 尼日利亚国有石油公司资不抵债

    10-07-14 Nigeria's state oil firm is insolvent, unable to pay debts of $5bn (3.3bn), a government minister has said. 尼日利亚一位政府大臣称,国有石油公司资不抵债,无力偿还50亿美元债务。 Junior Finance Minister Remi Babalola said the Nigerian National Petrole...