• swallowed up 吞并

    22-01-04 To be swallowed up 意思是吞并,统战的意思。在商业中意思是接管。 例句 London has grown so much that is has swallowed up all the outlying villages. Food and heating swallows up much of our household income. The company was swallowed up in a corporate...

  • 德国出现香肠自动售货机

    21-12-28 深更半夜忽然想大吃一顿,冰箱里却没有存货,怎么办?德国人不用为此发愁,因为他们有香肠自动售货机。这种售货机24小时营业,不但出售德式香肠,还出售鸡蛋、牛奶等其他生鲜食品,大大方便了上班族。 Food cravings dont operate on a set schedule. They can strike...

  • expired food 过期食品

    21-12-20 在购买食品时,我们都会特别留意一下食物的保质期有多久,是否新鲜,以免买到过期的商品。 保质期指产品的最佳食用期,可以翻译为: best-before date shelf life expiration date freshness date 表示the length of time that a product, especially food, can be kep...

  • over and above 超越

    21-12-17 短语 over and above 表示在数量或质量上超过了期待的水平。多于或在之上。 例句 The quality of the food was over and above what I expected from that restaurant. The profit we made last year was over and above what we anticipated. Were going to need five...

  • to pop the question 求婚

    21-12-14 求婚可是人生中非常重要的一件事情。英语中,人们用通俗表达 pop the question 来表示求婚。 例句 He got down on one knee. I thought he was going to pop the question but he was just doing up his shoe. I popped the question in the moonlight on a bridge acr...

  • 哪些美食保暖御寒

    21-11-23 天气越来越冷,仅靠一条秋裤已经不能抵御严寒。除了多穿衣服外,还应增加御寒食物的摄入来增强体质,提高防寒能力。那么哪些美食保暖御寒呢? In general, foods that take longer to digest can help raise your body temperature and make you feel warmer. The medi...

  • 一些减小微塑料摄入的措施

    21-11-22 1 Avoiding reheating takeaway food in plastic boxes 避免将外卖装在塑料盒中重新加热 Any time plastic containers are heated, chemical changes in the material mean it can leach microparticles into your food. If you cant avoid the takeaway boxes, try no...

  • 我们几乎每天都在吃塑料

    21-11-22 塑料为人类带来了很多便利,我们现在早已习惯了用塑料,穿塑料,玩塑料,吃塑料。没错,我们几乎每天都在吃塑料。 Microplastics are one of the greatest manmade disasters of our time, according to the Natural History Museum. Thats bad news, given they are a...

  • 出席婚礼的花销

    21-11-12 婚礼无论对新人还是嘉宾来说都是一笔不小的开销。出席的来宾要随 份子钱 或者送礼物。给多了,自己经济负担重;给少了,又怕伤感情。有的时候我们还要飞到离家很远的地方去出席一场婚礼 Weddings are expensive affairs theres nothing new or surprising in that stat...

  • 什么食物才称得上三明治

    21-11-10 三明治到底是什么?有人认为两片面包夹个东西就是三明治,那么热狗算不算三明治?事实上,美国不同部门对于三明治有着不同的定义,今天我们就来看看什么食物才称得上三明治。 1. CALIFORNIA: HOT DOGS ARE SANDWICHES 美国加州:热狗也是三明治 Despite fitting the de...