• 测验户外烧烤小常识

    22-11-02 夏季是户外烧烤的最佳季节。在英国,每遇到天气晴朗的周末,家家户户就会在院子里摆出烤炉,和家人朋友一起享受户外用餐的乐趣。 1. A barbecue is the name for the piece of equipment used to cook food outdoors. What adjective is used to describe the food coo...

  • 和户外野餐有关的词汇

    22-11-02 英国的大小城市中都有很多供大众休闲放松的公园。每到夏季,公园里随处可见就地野餐的人群。 1. When going out for a picnic, whats a good thing to pack all the food into? a) a hamster b) a hamper c) a hammer d) a hampper 2. Its good to pack a variety of f...

  • 和“酒吧美食”有关的英语说法

    22-11-02 单词pub 酒吧是public house 公共房屋的缩略名称。这个场所在英国文化中扮演着重要的角色。比如,星期日烤肉 Sunday roast是在酒吧菜单上常见的美食之一。你了解这类食物的英语说法吗?我们在酒吧点餐时,常会听到哪些英语表达? 1. A popular pub food in pubs in Eng...

  • 英国餐桌礼仪小常识

    22-11-02 提起英国人,不得不说他们是出了名的讲礼貌。在进餐时,尤其是在正式用餐的环境中,英国人严格遵循一系列餐桌礼仪礼貌用餐,从而显得彬彬有礼,给一同进餐的人留下好的印象。 1. In a formal dinner where more than one course of food will be served, the table wil...

  • 8种“长寿食物”

    22-10-21 1. Greens 绿色蔬菜 Greens such as spinach, kale, collard greens, chard, etc. are a nutrient-dense food. They are rich in vitamins and antioxidants that can reduce oxidative stress. Research has shown that consuming at least one serving of greens a d...

  • 英语中表示“将来”的语法应用

    22-10-19 在英语语法中,除了可以用一般将来时态表达将来会发生的事情,我们还可以用将来进行时、现在进行时态来描述未来可能会发生的动作。你能准确地运用它们吗? 1. A: I _________ a party this weekend. Would you like to come? B: That sounds great. Ill bring some foo...

  • 用英语表述赞同或异议

    22-10-19 1. What is the correct response to agree with the following sentence? A: I love Italian food. B: _________. a) Nor do I. b) So do I. c) Neither do I. d) Either do I. 2. What is the correct response to agree with the following sentence? A: I wasnt ha...

  • Al Desko 桌边就餐

    22-10-12 太忙?太懒?办公桌成了许多上班族解决午餐的地点,而各种重口味的怪味道也让周围的同事们叫苦不迭。 Smelly food in the office has become so prevalent that it is hampering workers productivity, a study has found. 如今在办公室里经常会闻到难闻的食物气味,研...

  • moocher 不断索取却从不付出的揩油者

    22-10-10 还记得鲁迅作品《故乡》中的圆规么?圆规没讨到东西,愤愤离去时还顺走了别人的手套,活脱脱就是一个爱贪小便宜的小市民。英语中也有一个词来形容这种人,就是mooch。 Mooch or moocher is someone who takes and takes but never gives. They could take food, money...

  • ultra-processed foods 超加工食品

    22-10-08 长假过后,很多小伙伴们开始了轻食计划。在饿得发昏的时候,也不要去吃什么方便面、薯片、巧克力、能量棒、冷冻速食,或是街角小店里随便都能买到的东西。法国研究人员发现,这些食物与更高患癌风险相关,他们将这些食物称为ultra-processed foods 超加工食品。 Ultra-...