• 橘子吃多确实会使皮肤变黄

    21-11-10 秋天,又到了吃橘子的季节,吃起来方便还能补充维C。但这两天网上的一条热搜,让双语君默默放下了手中的橘子 中国农业大学食品学院副教授朱毅表示,橘子吃多确实会使皮肤变黄,这种现象也叫高胡萝卜素血症或柑皮症(hypercarotenemia)。 什么是高胡萝卜素血症呢? Hyp...

  • Hangry 饿到令人生气

    21-10-09 Hangry 饿到令人生气 英文释义: When you are so hungry that your lack of food causes you to become angry, frustrated or both. 这个单词很有趣,实际就是Hungry和angry的结合,是不是很好理解? I havent eaten since breakfast so Im just hangry, bro. 从早饭...

  • 中式点心在澳大利亚掀起热潮

    21-10-04 这种点心被多家外媒报道,它的外形类似饺子,里面是猪肉或牛肉馅,在澳大利亚全国各地的炸鱼薯条店都有售。 Dim sims, or dimmies, are a variant of the traditional Chinese dumpling. Served in a variety of ways, including steamed and fried, they first gained...

  • 用英语谈“吃”

    21-10-02 你热爱美食吗?要想吃遍全球,掌握各语言中表示不同食物的词汇非常重要。英语中和食品有关的词汇和表达数不胜数。你了解多少?做下面《英语小测验》中的六道题,丰富你的 美食 英语词汇! 1. In British English, something sweet that is eaten at the end of a meal...

  • 高脂肪饮食会加速脱发

    21-09-29 你以为高脂肪饮食只会让人变胖吗?或许发际线也会因此受到影响。日本一项新研究发现,高脂肪饮食也会加速脱发。 We all know the dangers of a diet thats high in fat. From hypertension to diabetes, heart disease to even some forms of cancer, the range of ail...

  • 混合杀虫剂增加蜜蜂死亡数量

    21-09-17 根据对 90 项研究进行的分析, 那些预先混合好然后卖给农民的农药会杀死两倍数量的蜜蜂。 Our bees face multiple threats to their survival from a loss of food rich natural grassland to the dozens of chemical pesticides that are commonly used in agricultur...

  • 未知的大学生活 提前做一点功课

    21-09-06 1. Every College Has Different Rules on What You Can Bring 关于学生能携带的物品,每所大学都有各自的规定 It is essential that you check the list of approved and prohibited items from your college before you move in. Rules vary from school to school,...

  • branch out 另辟天地

    21-08-30 当某人 branching out 的时候,就是说他在另辟天地,尝试一个新的或者不同的方式或领域。 例句 Jane has been working as a journalist since she left university but now shes branching out and writing a novel. The supermarket has branched out and started sel...

  • junk mail 垃圾邮件

    21-08-26 Junk mail 垃圾邮件,指那些主动送上门的、没有用的广告信件。这个词也适用于电子邮件中的垃圾邮件。 例句 Why does no one send me real letters anymore? All I ever receive is junk mail! When I checked my email this morning there were 15 items of junk mail...

  • two-faced 两面派

    21-08-23 如果我们形容某人是 two-faced, 就是说这个人是两面派,对着人说一套,背着人说另一套。 例句 Matt is so two-faced. He told me Im a great cook; then afterward he told his other mates that my food is the worst hes ever eaten! I really dont believe what Mat...