• 联合国宣布启动“联合国生态系统恢复十年”行动计划

    21-06-09 Amidst the triple environmental threat of biodiversity loss, climate disruption and escalating pollution, United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Friday launched the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration on the eve of World Environment Day...

  • 印度尼西亚部分珊瑚礁重现生机

    21-06-01 在当地团体、环保组织大自然保护协会(The Nature Conservancy)和宠物品牌希宝(Sheba)的合作努力下,约有四万平方米的珊瑚礁已被重新注入生机。这是到 2029 年修复世界上 18.5 万平方米珊瑚礁计划的其中一部分。 Over the years, there have been many attempts to...

  • 五个英语口语语法要点

    21-05-30 1.口语中的句子结构 Its difficult, the exam. 非正式口语中的语法在某些方面与书面语法不同。句子通常不那么复杂,使用的连词种类更少,也更简单。 正式的书面语: While the hotel was of quite a high standard, the food was disappointing. 非正式的口语: The ho...

  • 独自用餐的乐趣

    21-05-18 你喜不喜欢一个人吃饭?虽然有不少人和文章关注讨论独自吃饭的消极一面,但这种饮食方式可能也有它积极的一面。 Should you eat to live or live to eat?... a question posed by French playwright Moliere in his work The Miser. While eating is functional, and o...

  • 瘦人有什么独特的饮食习惯

    21-05-16 1. Eat less: the 80% rule 少吃:八分饱原则 According to the Okinawans, you should eat until youre 80% full. Okinawans call this rule Hara Hachi Bu. Heres a simple fact: it takes about 15 to 20 minutes to inform your brain that youre full. So when yo...

  • 烹饪对心理健康的影响

    21-05-10 如今,有一些人提倡烹饪有益身心健康。烹饪的意义不只在于做好饭菜,同时也在于 厨师 的心路历程。合理饮食对身体有益,但事实证明,烹饪对我们的心理健康也好处多多。 We are what we eat or so the saying goes. From calorie-inducing meals to low-fat lunches, mu...

  • as awkward as a cow on roller skates 笨手笨脚

    21-04-11 表达 as awkward as a cow on roller skates(像穿着轮滑鞋的奶牛一样笨拙) 的意思是 某人动作不协调,没有平衡感。它用来形容 某人(尤其是在走路时)笨手笨脚的样子。这是一个幽默而非正式的表达。 例句 When my son first began to walk, he fell over a lot. He w...

  • 用食物垃圾制造航空煤油

    21-04-09 科学家们表示,一种用食物垃圾制造航空煤油的新方法有望大幅减少飞行产生的碳排放。目前,世界上大部分用于产能的食物残渣都会转化为甲烷。 The vast quantities of food that are wasted across the world are a major contributor to climate change. All those rott...

  • 飞虫数量锐减值得警惕

    21-04-07 德国63个自然保护区内的飞行类昆虫数量在过去27年中减少了四分之三以上。研究人员认为这一现象值得警惕,因为飞虫是自然生态系统中的重要组成部分。它既是植物的授粉者,也是扮演食物链的关键角色。 Since 1989, scientists have been monitoring flying insect popula...

  • 喜欢残羹盛饭

    21-03-30 Celebrity chef Nigella Lawson recommended goose fat. In the UK, we throw away more than 7 million tonnes of food and drink from our homes every year. At least half of that food is perfectly edible. One reason for this is a problem with portions we k...