• 英国多种多样的小众美食节

    21-02-09 英国每年会举办各式各类的美食节。人们在美食节上可观赏专业厨师现场烹饪的全过程,并可品尝各类新鲜配制的美味佳肴,活动场面热闹非凡。除了主流的美食节之外,英国各地还会举办一些相对冷门而小众的食品节,给到来的人们提供另一番美妙的舌尖体验。 What do you thin...

  • 发展海洋养殖业 未来食物有水可依

    21-01-28 The sea could be the food bowl of the future. In Jervis Bay, south of Sydney, seaweed, which is rich in fibre and omega 3, is grown and harvested. 海洋可能是未来的粮仓。在悉尼南部的杰维斯湾,海藻,这种富含纤维和奥米茄-3脂肪酸的藻类植物被种植和收获。...

  • 享受让你开心的美食

    21-01-28 在黑暗寒冷的冬季,我们喜欢吃一些让人开心的食物。比如,甜食、热乎、温性的饭菜,因为它们会让我们有饱腹感,从而御寒。但我们为什么在一年中其它时间,也喜欢享用含碳水化合物多、高糖的食品?本文讨论人们喜欢安慰食物的原因。 Warning! This article could be bad...

  • 海关总署:加大进口冷链食品的检疫力度

    21-01-17 1月14日,海关总署新闻发言人、统计分析司司长李魁文表示,海关总署严格按照国务院联防联控机制总体部署,加大进口冷链食品的检疫力度,防范新冠肺炎疫情通过进口冷链食品输入的风险。 Overseas food exporters should strictly follow the regulatory guidelines issu...

  • 怎样区分和使用enough和too

    21-01-05 1 副词 enough 的意思包括 数量充足,足够地,十分,通常用在积极的语境中谈论好事,尤指某物的特定属性很合适或足以让人满意。 This T-shirt is big enough for me to wear. Theres enough food for everyone to eat. Pleace come in! 2 Too 作副词使用时的意思是 某...

  • 海蜇:可持续性食物?

    21-01-05 人类大量食用海产品使海洋鱼类资源面临枯竭危机。由此,人们开始寻找替代品。一些人认为海蜇是一种可持续的食物来源。本文探究为什么海蜇可以成为替代传统鱼类的可持续选择。 While giant sharks are more common sea monsters in films, jellyfish also pose a major...

  • 试做一名弹性素食者

    21-01-04 What kind of food do you eat? Are you conscious of the types of food you consume or do you stuff yourself silly with whatever is available? Today, we are constantly bombarded with media reports about research on the right diet to follow to help us m...

  • 食物过敏越来越常见的原因

    21-01-03 Do you love food? Whether youre a foodie or someone who just likes eating, there is so much to choose from. We know that too much of the wrong kind of food can be bad for our health, but for some people having a food allergy means eating certain thi...

  • 食用超加工食品可能导致早逝

    21-01-02 Its good to enjoy food, but sometimes stories about the dangers of eating certain things can be hard to digest. I love to tuck into a pepperoni pizza or munch on a jam doughnut, even though I know the dangers that lurk in their ingredients. Its clea...

  • 给小费的禁忌

    20-12-29 Its nice to go out for a meal at a restaurant. But what makes it extra special apart from the food - is to receive attentive service from the staff. What can leave a bad taste in your mouth, though,is to be handed the bill and see that a service cha...