• 土豆有望高产

    23-01-29 科学家首次破解了马铃薯这种作物的全部基因组。这一成果刊登在最新一期的《自然》期刊上。这一突破将有助于提高马铃薯产量。 The humble potato is in fact the worlds fourth largest food crop, with a global annual yield of around 330 million tonnes. In an int...

  • Europe Cold Snap 欧洲的寒流

    23-01-29 目前中欧和东欧持续的寒流已经导致100多人死亡。有些国家动用了军队来帮助那些被困于大雪中的人们。政府还设立了临时住所帮助无家可归者。 Most of the deaths have occurred in Poland and Ukraine, where sixty-five mainly homeless people have died from exposure...