• 几内亚举行独立以来首次民主选举

    10-06-28 Voters appear to have turned out in large numbers in Guinea to elect a new president, with reports saying people formed long, calm queues. 几内亚选民大量出现在选举站,报道称人们自觉排成长队,平静地等候。 Many Guineans hope the vote heralds a new dem...

  • 埃塞俄比亚总理梅莱斯所在政党有望赢得竞选

    10-05-25 The governing party in Ethiopia is leading the vote count from Sunday's election, officials say. 埃塞俄比亚官员透露,执政党正在进行周日选举的计票工作。 Three-quarters of results have been declared Partial results show Prime Minister Meles Zenawi's p...

  • 英国纽拉夫遗孀将被提名上议院议员

    10-05-25 Helen Newlove, whose husband Gary was murdered in 2007, is expected to be elevated to the House of Lords. 海伦纽拉夫,其丈夫加里于2007被谋杀,将有望被提拔至英国上议院议员。 Mrs Newlove campaigned with David and Samantha Cameron in Bolton The appoint...

  • Namadi Sambo将出任尼日利亚副总统

    10-05-19 Both houses of Nigeria's parliament have voted to confirm the appointment of Kaduna state governor Namadi Sambo as the country's new vice-president. 尼日利亚议会两院一致投票确定任命卡杜纳州州长Namadi Sambo为国家新任副总统。 Namadi Sambo worked as an...

  • 布朗放弃工党领导人地位

    10-05-11 Gordon Brown has announced he will step down as Labour leader by September - as his party opens formal talks with the Lib Dems about forming a government. 在英国工党与自由民主党关于组建政府的正式会谈上,戈登布朗宣布退出工党的领导地位。 The PM's cont...

  • 英国大选临近 领导人做最终竞选致辞

    10-05-06 Gordon Brown, David Cameron and Nick Clegg have made their final appeal to the public before voting in Thursday's general election gets under way. 英国大选将于当地时间周四进行,戈登布朗、大卫喀麦隆和尼克克莱格分别向公众做最终竞选致辞。 Gordon Brown,...

  • 苏丹反对派称发现作弊选举视频

    10-04-21 Sudanese opposition activists have said a video which apparently shows election officials stuffing ballot boxes proves their claims of poll rigging. 苏丹反对派分子称,他们已经发现一段明显的作弊选举视频,该视频显示选举官员向投票箱中塞选票。 The clip,...

  • 苏丹总统巴希尔大肆鼓吹选举之公平性

    10-04-09 Sudan's President Omar al-Bashir has insisted that the forthcoming elections will be free and fair. 苏丹总统奥马尔巴希尔坚持宣称,即将到来的总统选举会是自由、公平的。 The withdrawal of so many parties is a serious blow to the poll's credibility In a...

  • 南苏丹拒绝参与北苏丹选举

    10-04-07 South Sudan's main party has said it will boycott this week's elections in most of northern Sudan, citing voting irregularities and security fears. 南苏丹主要政党称,因选举违规和安全问题,将不会参加北苏丹大部分地区本周举行的选举。 The SPLM said it w...

  • 尼日利亚牧师会见亚拉杜瓦总统

    10-04-03 Senior Nigerian clerics have told the BBC they have met the country's ailing President, Umaru Yar'Adua, saying he had difficulty speaking. 尼日利亚一些高级神职人员接受BBC采访是称,他们曾会见过抱病的亚拉杜瓦总统,他目前说话困难。 President Umaru Yar'...