• 夫妻年龄差距越小 离婚几率越低

    14-12-05 一项新研究在调查了3000名刚结婚和离婚的美国人后发现,夫妻年龄差距越小,离婚的几率也越低。研究人员指出,如果和伴侣的年龄差在五岁以内,就没什么好担心的,但是如果一方年龄大到足以做另一方的父母,那这两人的婚姻就很难走到最后。 For women on the lookout for...

  • divorce makeover 离婚变装

    14-10-27 Divorce makeover is the reinvention of a recently divorced woman from hairstyle, costumes to everything around her. 离婚变装就是女性在离婚后从头到脚的一次改变,从她的发型、她的服装到她周围的一切。 Recent survey says a woman's 'divorce makeover' cost...

  • 婚礼开销小的婚姻通常更长久

    14-10-21 If you're serving burgers and Bud Light at your backyard wedding, don't worry. You and your spouse may have the last laugh. 如果你仅有能力在你的后院婚礼上提供汉堡和百威清啤?别担心,你和你的伴侣可能会笑到最后。 A new study found that couples who spe...

  • The divorce 离婚

    14-09-16 John had waited for months to get a divorce and now he was free from his domineering wife. Free at last! he screamed, throwing his divorce papers into the air. Now, I can eat when I want to, watch television when I want to. Two months later John was...

  • 美国富豪闹离婚 财产分割引关注

    14-09-07 Hamm, the founder and CEO of Continental Resources, is the world's 34th-richest person in the world, with a personal fortune of an estimated $20.3 billion. 哈姆是大陆资源公司的创始人兼CEO,福布斯富豪榜上第34位,个人资产达203亿美元。 Harold Hamm is a...

  • 吃面或吃米造成人的个性差异

    14-05-16 据外媒报道,在中国,北方人吃面,南方人吃米,研究发现,这一差别造成了巨大的个性差异。以面食为主的北方人具有更多的个人主义倾向,离婚率更高。相比之下,爱吃米的南方人更多地表现出东亚文化的传统品质,离婚率更低。 In China, as in many countries, the north-...

  • 意前总理贝卢斯科尼将迎娶28岁未婚妻

    14-02-21 Silvio Berlusconi is free to marry his 28-year-old fiance after an Italian court finalised his divorce settlement, five years after his long-suffering wife announced that she could no longer tolerate his consorting with minors. 前意大利总理贝卢斯科...

  • 英国女子离奇起诉帮自己离婚的律师

    14-01-25 据外媒1月14日报道,日前,英国女子简马尔卡希试图起诉律师,称他们在办理自己的离婚案时没有告诉她离婚将导致她的婚姻不可避免地结束。 I'll give you a chance to re-read the headline, because it doesn't seem probable: Woman tries to sue attorney because the...

  • 默多克和邓文迪宣布达成离婚协议

    13-12-01 Media baron Rupert Murdoch and his soon-to-be-ex-wife said they were parting with mutual respect on Wednesday after telling a judge they had reached a divorce deal. 传媒大亨鲁伯特默多克和华裔妻子邓文迪当天宣布达成离婚协议,并表示是带着对对方的尊重分...

  • 意前总理贝卢斯科尼每月须向前妻支付140万欧元

    13-10-25 Silvio Berlusconi should pay his estranged wife, Veronica Lario, half the amount of money originally ordered by judges, an Italian court has said. 意大利一家法院裁定,意大利前总理西尔维奥贝卢斯科尼须每月向前妻维罗妮卡拉里奥支付140万欧元,而此前的离...