• grey divorce revolution 灰发离婚变革

    22-10-13 随着年龄的增长,女性对于生活的期望值变得越来越高,她们不满足于不太糟糕的婚姻。当她们人过中年,有钱有闲付诸行动时,爆发的时刻到了于是一场灰发离婚变革随之而来。 America is in the throes of a grey divorce revolution as married couples over the age of 5...

  • retie a loose marriage knot 破镜重圆

    22-08-24 破镜重圆,汉语成语,比喻夫妻决裂后重新和好。可以翻译为retie a loose marriage knot,reunion of a couple after separation等。 例句: 他们离婚后不久又破镜重圆。 They remarried each other again not long after their divorce....