• 《离婚律师》死对头语录

    22-08-17 1. I believe in love and I also believe that love will die. In my eyes, nothing in the world can be achieved only through marriage, but the most precious affection between two individuals does grow out of marriage. 我相信爱情,也相信爱情会死,在我看...

  • 英国过渡时期的历史概况 1

    21-10-05 1.The name the Wars of Roses was referring to the battles between the great house of Lancaster, symbolized by the red rose, and that of York, symbolized by the white. 玫瑰战争这个词是指两个家族间的战争,以红玫瑰为标志的蓝凯斯特家族和以白玫瑰为标志的...

  • 快乐离婚!

    21-02-28 Nobody really likes divorce. When you decide to commit to someone, sign papers, swear eternal love, the last thing on your mind is that it will go pear shaped. But were all human and it happens. Maybe its a blessing that clever entrepreneurs have de...

  • 离婚冷静期2021年起正式施行 家暴不适用

    20-12-08 Under the Civil Code, which comes into effect on Jan 1, couples will have a 30-day cooling-off period after handing their divorce application to the civil affairs department. During the period, either party can withdraw the application. 《中华人民共...

  • 1/5英国夫妻关系在疫情封锁期间有所改善

    20-11-20 One in five of marriages in the UK have benefited from the national lockdown, research has revealed. 一项研究表明,英国五分之一夫妻关系在疫情封锁期间有所改善。 A study carried out by the Marriage Foundation found 20 percent of married couples felt t...

  • 跟离婚相关的词汇

    20-09-24 separate 分居 split up 分手/离婚 marital discord 婚姻不和 marital breakdown 婚姻关系的破裂 domestic violence(abuse) 家暴 extramarital affair 婚外情 adultery 通奸 divorcee 离婚者 divorce rate 离婚率 divorce proceedings 离婚诉讼 divorce settlement(agr...

  • 亚马逊创始人贝索斯宣布与妻子离婚

    19-01-10 Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos and his wife, MacKenzie, are divorcing, ending a 25-year marriage. 亚马逊CEO杰夫贝索斯与妻子麦肯齐将要离婚,结束了25年的婚姻。 The decision to divorce comes after a trial separation, according to a statement posted Wednesday on...

  • 英国开始推行网上离婚系统

    18-05-13 Breaking up is never easy, as Abba sang, but the Ministry of Justice is so pleased with its online divorce pilot that it has launched the scheme nationwide this month. 就像阿巴乐队唱的那样,分手从来都不是件容易的事,但英国司法部对试运行的网上离婚系...

  • 英国半数夫妻因对方父母吵架

    17-06-18 More than half of married British people blame their in-laws for relationship rows and around one in five would divorce them if they could, a study has found. 超过半数的英国已婚人士责怪伴侣的父母导致夫妻争吵,大约五分之一的人表示,如果可能的话愿意离...

  • 皮特:离婚是他“咎由自取” 感到悲痛欲绝

    17-05-12 Brad Pitt is not going to engage in a nasty custody battle with Angelina Jolie. 布拉德皮特不会和安吉莉娜朱莉上演一场撕破脸的监护权大战。 In his first extensive interview since the power couples highly-publicized divorce, Pitt told GQ Style he will n...