• silver splitters 银发离婚者

    17-02-23 It may feel like a new lease of life, but those who divorce in their latter years and move into another relationship are seriously risking their health. 人到晚年与伴侣离婚,跨入一段新恋情,这看起来像是翻开了人生的新篇章,但却会给健康带来很大风险。 R...

  • biological clock divorce 生物钟离婚

    16-08-31 When that fierce desire to have children isnt shared, its very painful. According to new research, one in ten marriages now end in biological clock divorce . 当夫妻一方非常想要孩子,却无法与对方达成一致时,会感觉非常痛苦。据最新调查,如今十分之一的...

  • 德普和希尔德终于达成离婚协议

    16-08-19 Johnny Depp and Amber Heard have ended their acrimonious divorce battle, reaching a settlement for Heard to receive $7 million and drop her case. 约翰尼德普和艾梅柏希尔德终于结束了这场腥风血雨的离婚战,他们达成离婚协议,希尔德将获得七百万美元的赡养...

  • 独立可拆分漂浮建筑 避免房产争夺战

    16-07-30 With divorce rates steadily increasing, some newlyweds are drawing up prenuptial agreements before tying the knot. 随着离婚率的逐步攀升,一些好事将近的情侣会在喜结连理前拟定婚前协议书。 But one firm has set out to help divorcees avoid a real estate...

  • 西雅图创业公司因投资离婚而上新闻

    15-12-25 A Seattle startup is in the news for investing in divorce its business model is based on the fact that nearly 40 to 50 percent of married couples in the US end up parting ways. SwanLuv offers to pay couples for their dream wedding, but the money wil...

  • divorce coach 离婚指导师

    15-12-08 Divorce coaches is a new industry dedicated to helping husbands or wives navigate their way out of marriage. 离婚指导师是一个致力于帮助丈夫或妻子走出婚姻的新行业。 Karen McMahon, a divorce coach in New York, says: Coaching is in its infancy and divo...

  • gray divorces 灰发离婚

    15-12-08 America is in the throes of a grey divorce revolution as married couples over the age of 50 split up in unprecedented numbers. 随着50岁以上夫妻分道扬镳的数量空前增多,美国正处于灰发离婚变革的阵痛中。 Although the overall national divorce rate has be...

  • 一些有关经营感情的最佳发现

    15-07-03 1. If you wait until you're 23 to commit, you're less likely to get divorced. A 2014 University of Pennsylvania study found that Americans who cohabitate or get married at age 18 have a 60% divorce rate, whereas people who waited until the more matu...

  • 离婚人士更易患心脏病

    15-06-05 Divorcees are more likely to have a heart attack than their peers who stay married, US research suggests. 美国一项研究显示,离婚人士比其他婚姻关系正常的同龄人更易患心脏...

  • 社交媒体成为新的婚姻雷区

    15-05-08 One in seven married individuals have considered divorce because of their spouse's postings of Facebook or other online sites, according to research. 根据研究,七分之一的已婚人士曾因配偶发在脸书或其他网站上的帖子考虑过离婚。 A similar proportion adm...