• 父母离婚的男子易患中风

    12-09-14 Men with divorced parents are significantly more likely to suffer a stroke than men from intact(完整的) families, shows a new study from the University of Toronto. The study, to be published this month in the International Journal of Stroke, shows...

  • 阿汤哥与凯蒂正式离婚

    12-07-17 Hollywood superstar Tom Cruise and actress Katie Holmes settled their divorce on Monday, taking less than two weeks to end a nearly six-year marriage that captivated the world and prompted questions about raising their daughter in the Church of Scie...

  • 荷兰企业家创办离婚旅馆

    12-06-03 A Dutch entrepreneur has offered couples the chance of a weekend away with a difference - by staying in a hotel where he will help them finalise their divorce. 一位荷兰企业家为夫妇们提供了一个不一样的周末度假方式通过让他们住进一家旅馆来帮助他们成功...

  • 美国离婚 女养男渐成趋势

    12-05-18 Tables have turned in US divorce courts with more women paying their former husbands alimony and child support than ever before, according to US lawyers. 美国律师称,如今美国的离婚案审判发生了重大转变,越来越多的女性付赡养费和子女抚养费给前夫,这是...

  • home front 家庭纷争

    12-05-03 New home front opens up in divorce While some people complain about having to discuss divorce even before tying the knot, the Supreme People's Court said the new rulings are aimed at heading off disputes over the property ownership in divorce cases....

  • status-gap marriage 格差婚

    12-04-24 A status-gap marriage is one in which there is a clear gap in income, pedigree, social status, etc. between the husband and wife. The phrase usually refers to marriages in which a woman marries beneath herself, such as the marriage between Japanese...

  • 英国出现私立离婚法庭

    12-03-03 High-profile married couples who are splitting up may soon be able to avoid airing their dirty linen in public with the advent of private divorce courts. 随着私立离婚法庭的出现,那些高调结婚又即将分手的夫妇也许很快就能避免在公众眼皮下晒家丑的命运了...

  • 离异男性更渴望再婚

    12-02-04 Going through a tricky divorce would be enough to put anyone off marriage for life. But a new study shows that men are much more likely to get over a stressful and complicated break-up than women. 经历一场离婚的浩劫足以让人想从此远离婚姻。然而新研究...

  • 越年轻时离婚对健康影响越大

    12-01-31 Divorce at a younger age hurts people's health more than divorce later in life, according to a new study by a Michigan State University sociologist. Hui Liu said the findings, which appear in the research journal Social Science Medicine, suggest old...

  • 美国年轻人怕离婚因而不结婚

    11-12-25 Fear of the trauma of divorce is stopping many young couples from walking down the aisle, a university report has found. 一项大学研究发现,许多美国年轻情侣不结婚是因为怕遭受离婚的创伤。 With the share of married adults at an all-time low in the Unit...