• 初次离婚率与教育经历、种族相联系

    11-11-04 New research from the National Center for Family and Marriage Research (NCFMR) at Bowling Green State University shows there is substantial variation in the first-time divorce rate when it is broken down by race and education. But, there is also evi...

  • 离婚建议:从容对待

    11-09-22 Divorce is tough, for just about everyone. But some people move through a breakup without overwhelming distress, even if they're sad or worried about money, while others get stuck in the bad feelings and can't seem to climb out. What accounts for th...

  • 日本日趋流行离婚典礼

    11-07-09 Ceremonies to celebrate divorces have gained momentum in Japan after the massive March earthquake and tsunami, followed by an ongoing nuclear crisis, caused unhappy couples to reassess their lives. 日本自今年三月发生强震和海啸以来,举办离婚典礼的人...

  • iPhone离婚咨询软件惹争议

    11-04-23 A new app offering legal advice to those contemplating divorce could make the process too easy, say critics. 正考虑离婚的人士如今可以通过一款应用软件来得到法律建议,但有批评人士指责这让离婚变得太容易。 A new iPhone app claims to offer easy to unders...

  • 离婚对男女性的影响截然不同

    10-12-14 Apart from the death of a loved one, it is probably the most stressful experience life can throw at you. 抛开失去至爱的痛苦不谈,离婚可能是生活中压力最大的一件事。 But research suggests that divorce can be good for men at least in terms of making th...

  • 越来越多的离婚案件与社交网站有关

    10-12-05 It used to be the tell-tale lipstick on the collar. Then there were the give-away texts that spelled the death knell for many marriages. 过去,妻子可能从衣领的唇印发现丈夫出轨。后来,泄密短信也成为诸多婚姻解体的导火索。 But now one in five divorces...

  • 绝望主妇女影星伊娃将离婚

    10-11-21 Eva Longoria has filed for divorce from husband Tony Parker just hours after denying reports they were planning to split. 伊娃朗格利亚日前否认了她和丈夫托尼帕克准备分手的报道,而就在几小时后,她便提出了离婚申请。 Split: Eva Longoria has filed for di...

  • 让你的婚姻永远保鲜

    10-11-04 Of all the misconceptions(错误的想法) about love, the most powerful and pervasive(普遍深入的) is the belief that falling in love is love or at least one of the manifestations(显现,表示) of love. -- M. SCOTT PECK People who are married or in c...

  • 妻子赚钱比丈夫多 婚姻易破裂

    10-09-12 You're in the job you always wanted and you're doing well, even making more money than your husband. 你有一份自己一直想要的工作,而且你做的很好,甚至比你丈夫赚钱更多。 But beware(注意,当心) . Women who become the chief breadwinners in their domes...

  • 美多数已婚人士对伴侣比较满意

    10-08-21 Married Americans overwhelmingly believe they married the right person but not all of them believe in the idea of soul mates. 美国绝大多数已婚人士相信自己选对了人,但并不是所有人都相信灵魂伴侣一说。 A Marist poll showed that 97 percent of men and 94...