• 日本人举办离婚典礼 与不幸的婚姻说再见

    10-06-26 With divorce on the rise in Japan, some couples are choosing to celebrate the end of an unhappy marriage by saying I do for a final time at a divorce ceremony before friends and family. 随着日本离婚率的不断上升,该国的一些夫妇选择举办一种离婚典礼来...

  • A tale of two fathers 我的两位父亲

    10-06-02 Our parents divorced when Karen was a toddler(幼童) , and a few years later we were blessed with the best of a complicated world - a father and a stepfather. The situation wound up(紧张的,兴奋的) a bit confusing later on down the road. Especial...

  • 美国赌城离婚率居排行榜前列

    10-05-22 Worried about the state of your marriage? Don't live in Cheyenne, Wyoming, Las Vegas and Billings, Montana where divorce is most prominent. 为自己的婚姻状况感到担忧?那最好别去怀俄明州的夏延市、拉斯维加斯或蒙大拿州的比林斯市生活,因为这几个城市的离...

  • 首届离婚博览会将于意大利将举办

    10-05-08 Italy is holding its first divorce fair, offering services such as life coaching and beauty advice to a booming number of separating couples in the Catholic country. 意大利即将举办该国的首届离婚博览会,旨在为这个天主教国家不断增长的离婚人群提供生活...

  • 法国举办首届离婚博览会

    09-11-21 11月8日,浪漫之都法国巴黎举办了首届离婚博览会,吸引大批人士前往参观。这届离婚博览会以重新开始为主题,参展商包括帮人打离婚官司、提供法律咨询等服务的律所或法律顾问,还有提供塔罗牌算命、心理辅导以及帮助离婚人士重拾自信等服务的机构。在为期两天的展览中,...

  • 中国“黄昏散”现象在增多

    09-10-31 最新数据显示,中国60岁以上老人的离婚率正在上升,黄昏散现象逐渐增多。到上月底,上海静安区人民法院全国唯一一个老年审判庭已受理60岁以上老人离婚案件37起,比上年增加68%。据办案法官介绍,老年人离婚案中再婚又离婚的比例比较高;与此同时,在儿女成家立业之后...

  • Singer Rimes to divorce husband 歌手Rimes宣布离婚

    09-09-03 LeAnn Rimes has announced on her website that she and her husband are getting a divorce. LeAnn Rimes在她的个人网站上宣布她已和丈夫离婚。 Rimes and Sheremet have been married for seven years In a message to fans, the 26-year-old country singer wrote...

  • Berlusconi's wife: Lies led to divorce 意总理夫人新书爆离婚

    09-08-30 A copy of the book Tendenza Veronica (Veronica's Trend), a biography of Veronica Lario by journalist Maria Latella, is displayed at a book store in downtown Rome August 26, 2009. The estranged wife of Premier Silvio Berlusconi says in a book publish...

  • Divorce 'health scars permanent' 离婚“影响健康”

    09-07-28 Divorce has a lingering, detrimental impact on health that even remarriage cannot fully repair, a study suggests. 一项调查显示,离婚对于健康有持续的、有害的影响,即使再婚也不能完全恢复。 Stressful relationships can be bad for your health A Chicago s...

  • Kelis to get baby money from Nas Kelis从丈夫Nas那里获得孩子

    09-07-25 A judge has ordered rapper Nas to pay almost $40,000 (24,200) per month in support to estranged wife Kelis - a day after she gave birth to their child. 一位法官命令说唱歌手Nas每月付四万美元抚养费给他妻子Kelis,Kelis前一天生下了他们的孩子。 Kelis fil...