• 荷兰某工作室限制加班 办公桌下班时升空

    16-06-24 Employees at Amsterdam design studio Heldergroen wont be putting in much overtime. Not in the office, at any rate. 在荷兰阿姆斯特丹的设计工作室Heldergroen,员工将不会有太多机会加班。就算加班也不是在办公室。 Thats because every day at 6 pm, their des...

  • 装满单车的公交车 上下班路上也能锻炼

    16-06-24 London residents too busy to hit the gym every once in a while will soon get the chance to work out during their commute, thanks to a fleet of ingenious fitness buses packed full of stationary bikes. 很多伦敦居民因太忙而无法时常去健身房,不过他们很...

  • desk staging 桌面装忙

    16-06-23 Desk staging is the practice of covering your desk with papers, completed work, and other important-looking papers to give the appearance that you are really busy when really youre surfing the net, watching videos and doing other non-work things. De...

  • percussive maintenance 敲打式维护

    16-06-23 Percussive maintenance refers the use of physical concussion, a knock or a tap, in an attempt to make a malfunctioning device work instead of asking for professional help. 敲打式维护指设备有故障的时候,不找专门的维护人员,而是用敲打的方式让其恢复运...

  • Enthusiasm takes you further

    16-06-22 Years ago, when I started looking for my first job, wise advisers urged, Barbara, be enthusiastic! Enthusiasm will take you further than any amount of experience. How right they were. Enthusiastic people can turn a boring drive into an adventure, ex...

  • 交通事故

    16-06-21 A man was driving to work when a truck ran a stop sign ... hit his car broadside, and knocked him cold. Passerbys pulled him from the wreck and revived him. He began a terrific struggle and had to be tranquilized by the medics. Later, when he was ca...

  • 面试时几乎每个招聘经理都会考虑的几个问题

    16-06-19 1. Can I Manage This Person? A supervisor isnt going to hire someone that he doesnt believe he can work with. Managers come in all shapes and sizessome are hands-off and expect their employees to do what they need to do with little or no supervision...

  • 30岁时需要领会的10条工作建议 下

    16-06-18 How to have a difficult conversation. Whether its asking your co-worker to turn down their music, telling your boss youre quitting or letting an employee go, youre going to have tough conversations over the course of your career. Your life will be m...

  • 30岁时需要领会的10条工作建议 上

    16-06-18 How to talk to people much more senior than you. Its pretty common to be intimidated by company higher-ups or industry experts when youre just starting out in your career. But if you let yourself stay intimidated, it will keep you from forming relat...

  • 印度员工的工作幸福感最强

    16-06-11 If you are reading this sat at your desk, wishing you were anywhere else other than at work, you might think you share the same attitude towards your job as people around the world. 此刻坐在桌前阅读这篇文章的你,假如你的心飞到了办公室外,你大概会以...