• 卢布贬值近一半 女性买不起口红

    14-12-27 几个月以来,在美国和欧盟的经济制裁下,俄罗斯货币卢布贬值近一半。除富豪资产缩水外,女性连一支口红也买不起。 A Russian politician has offered some sage advice to women struggling to afford imported beauty products: use beetroot instead of lipstick. Si...

  • 男人听女人唠叨时只能坚持6分钟

    14-12-19 The average man can stand just six minutes of his woman's witterings about her lunch, her stars and her feelings, it is claimed. 据说,男人听女人唠叨她的午餐、偶像明星和心情时只能坚持6分钟。 By contrast, he can pay attention for an entire fifteen mi...

  • 男人确实比女性更蠢

    14-12-19 It's a theory that many women have held for years. 男人是蠢货,这是女人的眼中的真理。 And now a study has revealed men really are the more stupid sex. Analysis of the Darwin Awards - an annual review of the most foolish ways people have died - has f...

  • 美国蒙大拿州新着装规范引女议员不满

    14-12-14 A new dress code for the Montana House of Representatives that bans jeans and warns women to watch skirt lengths and necklines has drawn the ire of female lawmakers, who say it suggests they cannot independently decide what attire is appropriate. 美...

  • 婚姻中最容易关系破裂的时间是第十年

    14-12-14 New research shows that the point in a marriage when a couple is most unhappy, therefore most likely to stray, is actually the ten-year mark. 新的研究证明,在婚姻中,一对夫妻相处最不愉快也最容易关系破裂的时间是第十年。 A study involving more than 20...

  • 全球40位改变世界的女性

    14-11-30 The Queen, Margaret Thatcher and J.K. Rowling have been celebrated in a list of the top 40 women who changed the world. 在全球40位改变世界的女性榜单中,英女王、前首相撒切尔夫人和作家JK罗琳均获得提名。 Actress Marilyn Monroe came in 17th The list, wh...

  • 女性领导更容易抑郁

    14-11-26 Women are more likely than men to display symptoms of depression when in a position of authority at work, according to US scientists. 美国科学家发现,当工作中处于权威职位的时候,女性比男性更容易表现出抑郁症的症状。 In men, authority, such as the abi...

  • 土耳其总统:女人不能和男人平等

    14-11-25 Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has gone on-record saying women cannot be treated as equal to men. 土耳其总统埃尔多安公开表明观点称,女人不能跟男人一样平等对待。 Erdogan has made the controversial comments at a women's conference in Istanbul....

  • 糟糕的婚姻 破碎的心

    14-11-25 Older couples in a bad marriage -- particularly female spouses -- have a higher risk for heart disease than those in a good marriage, finds the first nationally representative study of its kind. The findings suggest the need for marriage counseling...

  • sindie 离异多金女

    14-11-20 Luxury brands are reporting booming sales of erotic products from a new group of women known as ' Sindies '. Sindies are Single Income Now Divorced - high-earning females, often with children, back on the dating scene and looking for fun. 多个奢侈品...