• 幽默的女人对男人没有太大吸引力

    15-03-22 Research shows that men aren't hugely attracted to witty women. 研究表明,机智幽默的女人对男人没有太大的吸引力。 Given the choice of a female who makes him laugh, or one that laughs at his jokes, he will choose the latter. Luckily, women aren't too...

  • 奥巴马讲话 让女孩去上学

    15-03-13 Hi, everybody. Sunday is International Women's Day-a day to celebrate remarkable women and girls worldwide, and to re-dedicate ourselves to defending the fundamental rights and dignity of all people. That's why, this week, Michelle and I launched a...

  • 政协委员呼吁消除女性就业歧视

    15-03-12 A political adviser called for regulation and supervision to protect women from being discriminated against in employment during the ongoing two sessions. 在正在进行的两会上,有政协委员提案呼吁出台政策、加强监督以维护女性权益,消除女性就业歧视。 Zhe...

  • 女人超过22岁 对男人的吸引力显著下降

    15-03-08 It's no secret that men tend to see younger women as more attractive, but according to a graph based on data from OKCupiddating profiles, women tend to be most attracted to men who are around their same age. But the case is drastically different for...

  • 英国男女各自对约会的担心和恐惧

    15-02-11 Spilling food all over yourself, your date leaving halfway through dinner or being stood up are the UK's most feared dating mishaps. 将食物撒了一身,饭吃到一半对象却中途离席,约会被人放鸽子,这些都是英国人约会时最怕遇到的情况。 It also emerged that...

  • 专为女性打造的巨型豪华游艇

    15-02-08 You may have thought all superyachts were created equal. But according to one designer, there is a gap in the market for vessels targeted at the fairer sex. 也许你会觉得超级游艇的建造不分性别,但据一位设计师表示,市场上针对女性市场设计的船只数量有限...

  • hourglass figure 沙漏身材

    15-02-07 An hourglass figure is a very specific physical form exhibited by some women. Women with this type of figure have wide hips and busts that contrast starkly with a very narrow waist, creating a silhouette that resembles an old-fashioned hourglass. 沙...

  • Outfit Repetition Syndrome 穿衣重样综合症

    15-02-07 A survey carried out by Oxfam has revealed that thousands of women are suffering from so-called ' Outfit Repetition Syndrome '. Out of the 2,000 women surveyed, 46 percent said they wouldn't wear their favourite party outfits more than five times....

  • f-rated film 女权主义级别电影

    15-01-12 A new feminist film classification, f-rated film , is to be used at this year's Bath Film Festival to highlight the lack of women working in the movie industry. 今年的巴斯电影节期间将出现一个新的电影分级类别女权主义级别电影(或称F级电影),意在凸显...

  • 爱人的支持对女性维持体重有所帮助

    14-12-27 Telling someone should lose a few lbs - even if you're just trying to help - could actually cause them to gain weight instead, according to new research. 最新研究显示,告诉某人应该减肥即使你只是想帮忙实际上却会导致他们体重增加。 The study showed tha...