• 女性更可能首先提出离婚

    15-08-27 Women are more likely than men to initiate divorces, but women and men are just as likely to end non-marital relationships, according to a new study that will be presented at the 110th Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association (ASA). T...

  • 父女自拍照活动风靡印度

    15-07-12 Men all over India have taken to twitter to post selfies with their daughters to raise awareness for women's welfare in India. 在推特上发布父女自拍照的活动已风靡印度,该活动旨在提高印度民众对妇女福利的意识。 Indian Prime Minister Nirandi Modi implor...

  • 女性每周花90分钟挑选着装

    15-07-10 Women like to look their best when they leave the house, so it's no surprise that they choose their outfits carefully. What might come as a bit of a shock, however, is how long it takes - an astonishing five months over their working life. 女人喜欢...

  • child trafficking 贩卖儿童

    15-06-29 The advocacy began to circulate online roughly after a CCTV report revealed of the 37 suspects of a child trafficking gang in Henan Province, only the prime suspect received a death sentence in the first trial, while the others were given up to 15 y...

  • 保持女性特色是取得成功的最佳途径

    15-06-19 According to a top woman boss, girls should keep their femininity and refuse to become a 'she-man' as they rise up the greasy pole. 一位女性高层建议,在商业上打拼的女性应保持自己独特的女性魅力,而不是变成女汉子。 Sacha Romanovitch, the incoming chie...

  • 牛仔裤的贴身程度影响我们的信心与情绪

    15-06-12 According to a new survey by Qualtrics, the fit of our jeans affects confidence, mood and - bizarrely - our recycling habits. Qualtrics最近进行了一次关于牛仔裤的调查,结果发现,牛仔裤的贴身程度会影响我们的信心,情绪,甚至环保习惯。 The research foun...

  • 4/5女性天天都会说谎

    15-06-08 Most of us will probably admit to the occasional little white lie. But in fact, more than one in three people tell at least one lie every day. 大多数人或许都承认,我们偶尔说些善意的谎言。但事实是,超过三分之一的人每天至少会说一个谎言。 It turns out...

  • 过多穿高跟鞋会导致足部肌肉失衡

    15-06-08 Women who wear them too often may find the downsides soon outweigh the benefits as research shows they can cause a potentially harmful imbalance in the feet. 女性过多穿高跟鞋也许弊大于利。研究表明,高跟鞋会导致足部肌肉失衡,而这种失衡有潜在危害性。...

  • 最年轻的福布斯最有影响力女性 Taylor Swift

    15-05-31 The 25 year old singer and songwriter has become the youngest woman ever to be included on the Forbes list of The World's 100 Most Powerful Women. 这位25岁的年轻歌手及创作人成为登上福布斯全球最有影响力百位女性榜单的最年轻的女性。 She's included at n...

  • 晚上8点15分 男人最佳谈话时间

    15-05-21 A survey of 1,000 men and women found that 8.15pm is the time when men are most prepared to listen to their other halves. 一项在1000位男女中进行的调查显示,晚上8点15分是男人最愿意倾听另一半说话的时间。 Almost half said they were happy to engage in s...