• 女人25岁时最快乐

    14-08-15 一项调查发现,女人25岁时最快乐,而34岁时最郁闷,因为同时应对工作和家庭生活让她们压力山大。相比三十多岁的女人,二十多岁的女人对自己体重、相貌和社交生活的担忧都比较少。 Women aged 25 such as Daisy Lowe and Emma Stone are at their happiest while 34-yea...

  • 竞争会扼杀女性的创造力

    14-08-14 Recent research has suggested that women play better with others in small working groups, and that adding women to a group is a surefire(准不会有错的) way to boost team collaboration and creativity. But a new study from Washington University in St...

  • women's parking spaces 女性停车位

    14-08-14 Women's parking spaces are specially designated and identified parking spaces in parking garages and parking lots to be used by women. They are usually near exits to increase the safety of women, to facilitate the act of parking, or to facilitate wa...

  • 米歇尔:女性比男性聪明

    14-08-10 Michelle Obama was asked on Wednesday why it's important to speak up in her position and her jovial answer to a group of African first spouses highlighted many men have come to realize over time: Women are smarter than men as a whole. 在华盛顿举行的...

  • 八成女性上传照片前要修图

    14-08-04 Eight out of ten women 'edit' their holiday snaps before uploading them to social media so only their slimmest angles are shared, according to new research. 最新调查显示,八成女性往社交网站上传照片之前,都会修图,好让朋友们看到自己苗条漂亮的一面。 M...

  • 压力与高脂肪食物使女性新陈代谢减慢

    14-07-15 A new study in women suggests that experiencing one or more stressful events the day before eating a single high-fat meal can slow the body's metabolism, potentially contributing to weight gain. Researchers questioned study participants about the pr...

  • 女性完美鼻子与上唇成106度角

    14-07-05 科学家发现,女性鼻梁、鼻尖与上唇形成106度角就可称为完美鼻子,换言之,微微上翘的鼻子更能展现美态。 The ideal angle of a woman's nose is 106 degrees because it enhances femininity, scientists claim. Having a slightly upturned nose makes women appear m...

  • 伊朗女性与男性在咖啡馆同看世界杯

    14-06-27 It is rare for women and men in Iran to enjoy the thrill of sports together in public, but it happened over the weekend when several restaurants and cafes appeared to ignore a ban on broadcasting the World Cup. 据美国有线电视新闻报道,伊朗妇女和男子...

  • 瑜伽能改善女性的小便失禁

    14-04-28 An ancient form of meditation and exercise could help women who suffer from urinary incontinence, according to a new study from UC San Francisco. In a study scheduled to be published on April 25, 2014 in Female Pelvic Medicine Reconstructive Surgery...

  • 奥巴马讲话 确保同工同酬 为女性争取权利

    14-04-20 Hi, everybody. Earlier this week was Equal Pay Day. It marks the extra time the average woman has to work into a new year to earn what a man earned the year before. You see, the average woman who works full-time in America earns less than a man-even...