• 美国圣迭戈市长被指控性骚扰

    13-08-02 The mayor of San Diego, California, has said he will attend behaviour counselling amid multiple allegations of sexual harassment. 美国加州圣迭戈市市长鲍勃菲尔纳(Bob Filner)日前被多名女性指控性骚扰,他宣布将接受行为辅导。 Bob Filner: I hope to be i...

  • 睾酮可提高绝经女性的记忆力

    13-06-19 Postmenopausal(绝经后的) women had better improvement in verbal learning and memory after receiving treatment with testosterone gel, compared with women who received sham(虚假的) treatment with a placebo, a new study found. Results were presente...

  • 安倍晋三就慰安妇问题道歉

    13-05-24 Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has apologised in parliament for the country's use of women as sex slaves during World War II. 日本首相安倍晋三现已在国会就二战时期日本强征女性为慰安妇的做法做出道歉。 The apology comes after Mr Abe was criticised b...

  • 伊朗总统选举禁止女性参加

    13-05-17 A constitutional body in Iran has ruled that women cannot run in presidential elections scheduled for 14 June. 伊朗一家立法机构裁定,女性不得参加6月14日举行的总统选举。 Mohammad Yazdi, a clerical member of the Guardian Council, said the constitution...

  • 女性护肤品1/6常用 1/5未开封

    13-05-10 英国一家美容护肤品零售网站对女性消费者的一项调查结果显示,女士们在浴室橱柜中收藏的美容护肤品价值平均约为1964英镑(约合人民币18625元),大概有65个瓶瓶罐罐,但这当中只有不到六分之一是她们经常使用的,另外还有五分之一的产品从未打开过。 Aside from your h...

  • 女人青睐有浓密短胡渣的男人

    13-04-19 Men feel other men look better with a beard, but women prefer men sporting nothing more than heavy stubble, according to Australian researchers. 男人们觉得留胡子都会显得更帅气,然而澳大利亚的研究人员指出,女人其实更喜欢留着浓密短胡茬的男人。 Men fee...

  • 《征婚广告》一

    13-04-18 片段对白 Sarah: No. No way, I'm not going out with this guy. Carol: Just call him. Say hello. He's in my book club. Sarah: Why is there a woman in this picture? Carol: It's his wife. They're separated, but he didn't want to go to the trouble of phot...

  • 男性对后代的渴望同样强烈

    13-04-14 British researchers found that men are almost as likely as women to want children, and they feel more isolated, depressed, angry and sad than women if they don't have them. 英国研究人员发现,男性对后代的渴望和女性几乎一样强烈,但男性如果没有孩子会感...

  • 印度学生研发防色狼内衣

    13-04-03 A group of students in India have come up with a range of hi-tech lingerie equipped with a global positioning system transmitter (GPS), to help women combat sexual assaults. 印度一群学生研发出一套配备全球定位系统传感器的高科技内衣,帮助女性抵御性侵...

  • 女董事更易做出公平决策

    13-03-29 Women's abilities to make fair decisions when competing interests are at stake make them better corporate leaders, researchers have found. 研究人员发现,在竞争利益受到威胁时,女性能做出公平的决定,这使她们能更好地领导公司。 A survey of more than 600...