• 居住于小城市的低收入妇女有更高的肥胖率

    10-03-10 A recent Kansas State University study found that the availability of supermarkets -- rather than the lack of them --increased the risk of obesity(肥大,肥胖) for low-income women living in small cities. This suggests that policies to increase hea...

  • BBC某广播制片人因拍摄色情录像入狱

    10-03-05 A BBC radio producer who secretly filmed himself having sex with five different women has been jailed for eight months. 一名BBC电台制作人因秘密拍摄其与五名不同的妇女进行性交而被判刑八个月。 The producer secretly filmed himself having sex with five d...

  • 艾滋病成为女性主要死因

    10-03-03 The UN programme on HIV/Aids says HIV has become the leading cause of death and disease among women of reproductive age worldwide. 联合国艾滋病毒/艾滋病联合规划署称,艾滋病正成为全世界达到生育年龄的女性死亡和患病的主要原因。 The HIV epidemic began s...

  • 子宫内膜癌的有效抑制因子将问世

    10-02-09 Endometrial cancer(子宫内膜癌) is the most common cancer of the female reproductive tract(生殖系统) , representing 6% of all cancers. There is currently no screening method or biomarker(生物标记) to indicate early presence of disease. It is a...

  • 全球男人最理想的伴侣 加女星居首

    10-01-23 Canadian actress Emmanuelle Chriqui has topped an annual poll of the world's 99 most desirable women, with organizers saying her appeal was boosted by the fact that she does not feature heavily in celebrity magazines. 日前,一年一度全球最受男士青睐...

  • 美多数女性认为自己能兼顾工作和生活

    10-01-23 Most young women believe they will achieve a balance between a rewarding career and a fulfilling personal life, despite the economic upheaval and a legacy of corporate culture that favors men, a survey shows. 一项调查显示,尽管经济形势动荡,企业文化...

  • 找到完美伴侣的几率仅有1/285000

    10-01-23 A university maths tutor has discovered the science behind singledom, finding that our chances of finding the perfect partner are just 1 in 285,000. 日前,英国一名大学数学讲师发现了单身的科学依据,他称人们找到合适伴侣的几率只有1/285000。 The results...

  • 英四分之一女性认为成功瘦身的快乐胜过做爱

    10-01-09 More than a quarter of British women believe fitting into an old pair of jeans again would feel better than sex, according to research. 一项调查显示,英国超过四分之一的女性认为能够重新穿上一条昔日牛仔裤的感觉比做爱还要好。 The poll by cereal Special...

  • 女人可以“闻汗识男人”

    10-01-03 Women can sense if men are attracted to them by the smell of his sweat. 女人可以闻汗识男人。 The smell of a man's sweat differs according to what mood he is in. The smell of a man's sweat differs according to what mood he is in and women can pick up...

  • What is off limits to criticize women about?

    09-12-21 男人不能对女人的哪些方面评头论足?如果你要说一个女生变胖了,那一定会得罪她。这还不算最糟糕的。有一次,我在称赞一个女孩衣服漂亮之后,接着说了句看起来没花太多钱,本来想夸她,结果把她弄哭了。看来想讨好女人,这学问可大着呢。 Some work friends and I were...