• 印度禁止未婚女性用手机 阻止发生私奔

    10-12-04 印度北方邦的一个地区议会近日发布公告,禁止该地区未婚女性携带手机,希望此举能够阻止当地不同种姓间的男女交往过密甚至私奔。 A local council in northern India has banned unmarried women from carrying mobile telephones to halt a series of illicit(违法的...

  • 腹部脂肪过多加重女性骨质疏松危险

    10-12-01 For years, it was believed that obese women were at lower risk for developing osteoporosis(骨质疏松症) , and that excess body fat actually protected against bone loss. However, a study presented today at the annual meeting of the Radiological Soci...

  • 母乳喂养时服用癫痫药物不会损害孩子智商

    10-11-26 There's good news for women with epilepsy(癫痫) . Breastfeeding your baby while taking your seizure medication may have no harmful effect on your child's IQ later on, according to a study published in the November 24, 2010, online issue of Neurolo...

  • 写作练习可提高女性的物理成就

    10-11-26 According to a new study, a brief writing exercise can help women in college physics classes improve their academic performance and reduce some of the well-documented differences between male and female science students. The writing exercise seems p...

  • 怀孕期间也不能忽视口腔健康

    10-11-24 Even though most people are aware that good oral health is essential for the overall health of both mother and child, misunderstandings about the safety of dental(牙科的) care during pregnancy may cause pregnant women to avoid seeing their dentist...

  • 了解女性暗示 选对圣诞礼物

    10-11-21 Every Christmas men struggle with the last-minute rush to find the perfect present for their partner. 每年圣诞节,直到最后一刻,男人们还会为给自己的伴侣寻找完美的礼物而烦恼。 Yet had they listened a little more closely to their wife or girlfriend in...

  • 研究:成功女性更容易心脏病发作

    10-11-21 High-flying women with demanding jobs are almost twice as likely to suffer a heart attack, research shows. 研究显示,那些应对艰巨工作任务的成功女性心脏病发作的几率是其他女性的两倍。 Those with highly stressful careers are more at risk from strokes,...

  • I Am Acting Like a Lady

    10-11-18 One day when women's dresses were on sale at the FarEast Department Store, a dignified middle-aged man decided to get his wife a piece. But he soon found himself being battered(连续猛击,磨损) by frantic(狂乱的,疯狂的) women. He stood it as lon...

  • 法国女性生活质量不如男性

    10-11-13 French women seem to have it all: multiple children, a job and, often, a figure to envy. 法国女性似乎样样不缺,她们有一群孩子,有一份工作,还有一副令人羡慕的好身材。 What they don't have is equality. A recent 22-country survey by the Pew Research Ce...

  • 神经性厌食的女性更容易意外怀孕

    10-11-01 A new study by University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Norwegian researchers has found that women with anorexia nervosa(神经性厌食) are much more likely to have both unplanned pregnancies and induced(感应的,诱发型) abortions than women...