• 女性为何通常比男性长寿

    10-10-30 It is the ultimate battle of the sexes - and women usually win. 这是两性之间的终极较量而且通常女性获胜。 Now scientists have come up with(提出,想出) a new theory for why woman live, on average, longer than men: men are more biologically disposabl...

  • 高龄O型血女性受孕较困难

    10-10-30 美国一项新研究发现,随着年龄的增加,O型血的女性受孕会更困难,这是首个有关血型会影响女性受孕几率的研究。 Women with blood type O could have more trouble conceiving(怀孕,构思) as they age, an American survey claims. The study is the first to sugges...

  • 家用传统验孕方法可能不准确

    10-10-27 The method used to assess infertility(不毛,贫瘠) in at-home tests might not be the best for identifying which women will have trouble getting pregnant, according to new research from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medic...

  • 英国高龄产妇比例上升

    10-10-25 One in five babies are now born to women over 35 as would-be parents feel pressure of high mortgages and debt. 由于父母迫于高额房贷和债务的压力,英国有五分之一的宝宝出生时,妈妈的年龄都超过了35岁。 One in five mothers is approaching middle age by th...

  • 日本年轻女性收入超过男性

    10-10-23 Not only can young Japanese women look forward to a longer life than their male peers, now they also make more money. 日本年轻女性不但预期寿命会比男性长,如今她们赚的钱也比男性多。 Income for single women under 30 hit an average of 218,156 yen ($2,6...

  • 意大利小城禁止女性穿超短裙

    10-10-23 意大利小城斯塔比亚海堡近期颁布了41条每位好市民都必须遵守的新规定,其中包括禁止女性穿超短裙,以及禁止人们穿低腰牛仔裤等着装规定,违反者将面临最高达500欧元的罚款。 Women who wear miniskirts or show too much cleavage(劈开,分裂) will face fines of up...

  • 雌激素替代疗法可加速卵巢癌扩散

    10-10-21 Estrogen(雌性激素) therapy used by menopausal(更年期的) women causes a type of ovarian(卵巢的,子房的) cancer to grow five times faster, according to a new study by researchers at the University of Colorado Cancer Center. Menopausal estrogen r...

  • 过了52岁脾气就可能会见长

    10-10-17 Britons find being older than 52 is nothing to laugh about because that's the age when they start becoming grumpy, according to a survey on Friday. 根据周五发布的一项调查,对于英国人来说,年龄超过52岁没什么好高兴的,因为过了52岁,人的脾气就会见长。...

  • 有家族病史的妇女也可控制患乳腺癌危险

    10-10-13 Having a family history of breast cancer can lead some women to wonder if the risk is out of their control. However, a study of more than 85,000 postmenopausal(绝经后的) women, published in BioMed Central's open access journal Breast Cancer Resear...

  • career bottleneck 职业瓶颈

    10-09-26 最近的一项调查发现,中国的职业女性不仅渴求经济上的独立,同时也在寻找工作带来的成就感和满足感。尽管女性的地位在稳步提高,但是有66%的职业女性认为,在职业发展上女性依然受到歧视。 请看《中国日报》的报道: Women have come to a career bottleneck , Yang La...