• 研究:妇女受教育程度可影响到其医疗保险水平

    10-06-18 Attention college grads: Your degree may be the key to both a career and better health coverage. According to a new study of women's health insurance from the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research, women without a high school diploma were nearly fo...

  • 女性吸烟问题引起关注

    10-06-05 5月31号是世界无烟日,世界卫生组织将今年世界无烟日的主题确定为两性与烟草:关注针对女性的促销行为。 世卫组织公报指出,现在在一些国家女性吸烟者、特别是吸烟的年轻女孩越来越多,这一趋势着实令人担忧。 Females represent the biggest potential growth market...

  • 布拉德福德妓女谋杀案嫌疑人将受审

    10-05-28 A 40-year-old man charged with the murders of three Bradford women who worked as prostitutes, is due to appear before magistrates later. 英国某男子涉嫌谋杀布拉德福德地区三名妓女而遭控诉,该男子将接受地方法官审判。 Stephen Griffiths was arrested at h...

  • 加拿大女性呼吁将时钟体系改为25小时

    10-05-22 整日奔忙于工作和家庭的女性总是抱怨时间不够用。为此,加拿大一些女性自发成立了一个名为25小时联盟的组织,呼吁政府将现行的时钟体系改为25小时,以便让她们有多一点的时间完成工作和家庭两方面的责任。 Scott Gow adjusts a tower clock on test at the Electric Ti...

  • 冬奥会体育项目

    10-05-19 ski jumping 跳台滑雪 men NH individual 跳台滑雪普通台男子单人 men LH team 跳台滑雪大台男子团体 alpine skiing 高山滑雪 men slalom 男子高山回转 men downhill 男子高山滑降 men combined 高山男子全能 women giant slalom 女子高山大回转 cross-country skiing...

  • 第一夫人演讲 Remarks by The First Lady at Mother's Day

    10-05-16 The White House Office of the First Lady For Immediate Release May 07, 2010 Remarks by The First Lady at Mother's Day Tea State Dining Room 3:15 P.M. EDT MRS. OBAMA: Well, isnt this lovely -- and very civilized. (Laughter.) Hello everyone, and thank...

  • 婚姻与预期寿命

    10-05-13 Rostock, Germany (May, 12th 2010). Marriage is more beneficial for men than for women - at least for those who want a long life. Previous studies have shown that men with younger wives live longer. While it had long been assumed that women with youn...

  • 患糖尿病的大龄妇女患结肠癌的风险更高

    10-05-03 A research team led by Mayo Clinic physicians has found that older women with diabetes(糖尿病) face a more than doubled risk for some types of colorectal cancer(结肠直肠癌) . The findings are being presented at Digestive Disease Week 2010, the a...

  • 英国中年女性青睐性感内衣

    10-05-03 Sales of sultry lingerie among older women are booming in Britain thanks to the glamorous 40-somethings of Sex and the City 2 and Cougar Town, retail chain Debenhams reported on Thursday. 英国德本汉姆百货公司于本周四称,目前英国性感内衣在中年女性这...

  • 英国最年轻的市长即将上任

    10-05-02 现年29岁,金发碧眼、有着甜美微笑的凯瑟琳伯斯诺尔将在5月25日宣誓成为英国温莎市的市长,她将是英国历史上最年轻的市长。凯瑟琳表示自己当选并不是因为长相,而是她真的了解人们需要什么。 At 29, Catherine Bursnall will be England's youngest mayor. With her lo...