• Indian Clothing 印度服饰

    10-04-29 People in India wore mostly cotton clothing. India was the first place where cotton was grown, even as early as 2500 BC in the Harappan(哈拉帕的) period. By the Aryan period, women wore one very long piece of cloth called a sari(卷布,纱丽) , th...

  • 健康女性脑部扫描显示她们唯恐变胖

    10-04-14 A group of women in a new study seemed unlikely to have body image issues at least their responses on a tried-and-true psychological screening presented no red flags. That assessment changed when Brigham Young University researchers used MRI technol...

  • On her own, but not alone

    10-04-12 Marjorie Baer used to joke about her retirement plans. She wasn't married and had no kids, but she didn't intend to be aloneshe and all her single friends would move into a fictional(虚构的,小说的) home she called Casa de Biddies. Instead, Baer d...

  • 双职家庭中妻子事业仍处于次要地位

    10-04-10 Women might be on a more even footing at work but at home their careers tend to take a backseat to their husband's job with women most likely to quit when both are working long hours, according to a U.S. study. 美国一项研究显示,如今女性在职场中的地...

  • 加拿大:少数民族妇女求医看病的几率最小

    10-03-31 One in three South Asian, West Asian or Arab women one of the fastest growing segments(片段,段数) of Canada's population say they have trouble accessing a doctor to address an urgent health concern or to monitor health problems. The findings, fro...

  • 研究:女性生养的孩子越多,自杀风险越低

    10-03-27 Women with lots of children might be stressed but they are less likely to commit suicide, according to a Taiwanese study that found the more children a woman has, the lower her suicide risk. 生养孩子多的女性可能会感到很累,但与此同时,这些女性自杀的...

  • 调查:肥胖妇女所接受的产科服务“不够好”

    10-03-20 Maternity services for obese women are not good enough and may be putting mothers-to-be at risk, experts warn. 专家警告,对于肥胖妇女的产科服务做的不够好,可能使这些准妈妈们处于危险之中。 New guidelines are being issued to the NHS The Centre for Mat...

  • 调查:女性经常忽视男性所做的家务活

    10-03-19 Men do far more housework than they are given credit for, according to research that claims women do not notice because their male partners don't make a fuss. 一项调查称,男性所做的家务活远比他们得到承认的多。女人之所以对他们的贡献视而不见,是因为他...

  • 调查:男性每天休闲时间比女性多半小时

    10-03-13 Men enjoy half an hour more of leisure time each day than women, a report claims. 日前发布的一项报告称,男性每天的休闲时间比女性多半个小时。 Women have 30 minutes less time to enjoy themselves every day. The international survey found that men spent...

  • 全球调查:四分之一的人认为女人应该待在家里

    10-03-13 Women head governments, run companies and comprise about half the world's workforce, but a global poll shows that one in four people, most of them young, believe a woman's place is in the home. 尽管女性执政、从商,且构成全世界约一半的劳动力,但一项...