• dismiss 开除

    15-06-29 An estimated 3 percent of Chinese students studying in the US - or about 8,000 - were dismissed last year, according to a white paper. 根据白皮书指出,约有3%,即8000名,中国留美学生去年被学校开除。 被学校开除,我们可以用be dismissed from school表示...

  • Net lingo 网络用语

    15-06-26 Before gaokao (or national college entrance exam) from Sunday, the education authorities in Henan and Guangdong specifically forbade students from using Net lingo in the exam. 河南和广东两省教育部门明确禁止学生在7日开始的高考中使用网络用语。 高考究...

  • cordyceps vacation 虫草假

    15-06-25 From early May to late June all schools in Yushu prefecture, Qinghai province, give a special cordyceps vacation so that teachers and students can join in the picking of cordyceps, a worm-like fungus regarded as a valuable herb by the Chinese. 每年...

  • 意大利老师的非常规暑期作业

    15-06-19 An Italian teacher has decided to forgo setting the usual holiday homework for his students and has instead given them a list of life advice. 意大利一位老师决定用一系列的生活建议来代替常规的学生暑期作业。 Most schoolchildren in Italy are given schoo...

  • 美国教师课堂屏蔽手机信号被无薪停职五天

    15-06-12 A Florida high school teacher was suspended without pay on Tuesday for five days for using a cell phone jammer to block students' cell phone service at school. 佛罗里达州一位高中教师于近日因在班里使用信号屏蔽器来阻止学生上课玩手机,被无薪停职五天。...

  • hundred mark system 百分制

    15-05-26 From this September, students at China's Tsinghua University will be graded by an A-through-to-F scale instead of the traditional out of hundred mark system . 从今年9月份开始,清华大学学生的成绩将以A-F分级取代传统的百分制。 百分制可以用英文hundred m...

  • 英国大学用汪星人为学生减压

    15-05-20 Students at a British university were treated to some much-needed stress relief as they prepare for exam week. 英国一所大学在学生为考试周做准备时为学生提供了一种急需的解压方式。 The University of Central Lancashire's student union organized its firs...

  • 重庆大学学生减肥即可获零花钱

    15-05-15 Students at southwest China's Chongqing University could get pocket-money for hitting their weightloss goals. 中国重庆大学的学生如果达到减肥目标即可获得零花钱。 The offer was made by the school's student union, who launched on Thursday a one-month c...

  • 奥巴马讲话 呼吁每个孩子都受到良好教育

    15-05-08 Hi everybody. I'm speaking with you from the DC Public Library in Anacostia, where I just met with a group of promising middle school students. We spent some time talking about their lives, and how we all care about their success-and how that starts...

  • 费城某大学误向落榜生发祝贺信

    15-05-06 Drexel University in Philadelphia is apologizing to hundreds of applicants who were denied admission but then mistakenly received follow-up emails congratulating them on getting in. 数百名未被费城德雷塞尔大学录取的学生随后却收到了来自该校的祝贺信,...