• 北约空袭卡扎菲官邸

    11-04-25 A Nato air strike on the Libyan capital Tripoli has badly damaged buildings in Col Muammar Gaddafi's compound. 北约对利比亚首都的黎波里的一次空袭严重损毁了卡扎菲的官...

  • 印度活动家安纳·哈扎尔停止绝食抗议

    11-04-11 Indian anti-corruption activist Anna Hazare has ended a 96-hour hunger strike, after ministers agreed to all of his demands. 印度反贪污活动家安纳哈扎尔停止为期96小时的绝食抗议,因为政府官员同意了他所有的要求。 Anna Hazare said his success was a vict...

  • 希腊警察与游行示威者发生暴力冲突

    10-12-16 Greek police have clashed with protesters in the capital Athens as unions stage a general strike against government austerity measures. 希腊首都雅典发生警察与游行示威者暴力冲突事件,此次游行由工会发起,抗议政府的财政紧缩措施。 Demonstrators threw pe...

  • 葡萄牙工会将举行大罢工

    10-11-24 Portugal's unions hope to bring the country to a near standstill on Wednesday as they stage a general strike in protest at planned wage cuts. 葡萄牙工会希望在星期三举行一场大罢工使国家处于停滞状态,此次罢工旨在抗议工资削减计划。 Transport, industry...

  • 尼日利亚工会停止罢工

    10-11-11 Nigeria's two largest unions have agreed to suspend their three-day strike after one day's stoppage. 在经历一天的罢工之后,尼日利亚最大的两家工会同意停止为期三天的抗议行动。 Many workers in Lagos stayed at home on Wednesday, while some joined union...

  • 尼日利亚工人将为工资增长举行罢工

    10-11-10 Nigerian unions have said they will go ahead with a threatened nationwide strike for a rise in the minimum wage. 尼日利亚工会,他们将为增长最低工资标准举行一场全国行罢工。 The president cut short a trip to Nigeria's business hub Lagos to meet union...

  • 法国工人大罢工已持续七天

    10-10-20 French workers are set to continue their protests against planned pension reforms as a rolling strike enters its seventh day. 法国工人计划继续反抗政府的养老金制度改革,他们举行的罢工已进入第七天。 Transport workers say they will continue their prote...

  • 萨科奇坚持继续进行退休金改革

    10-10-19 French President Nicolas Sarkozy has insisted he will press ahead with pension reforms despite a gathering momentum of strike action. 尽管民众罢工行动势头正足,法国总统尼古拉萨科奇坚持继续进行退休金改革。 Oil refineries have been shut for a week, hu...

  • 罗马内务部长因警员罢工被迫辞职

    10-09-28 Romanian Interior Minister Vasile Blaga has announced his resignation after last week's strike by thousands of police officers. 罗马内务部长瓦西里布拉格因上周数以千计的警官举行罢工一事提出辞职。 Mr Blaga, who called the strike illegal, said he was r...

  • 法国工人举行罢工 抗议养老金改革

    10-09-08 More than one million French workers have taken to the streets to protest against austerity measures planned by President Nicolas Sarkozy's government. 超过一百万法国工人走上街头抗议萨科奇政府推行的紧缩措施。 The rallies came as a 24-hour national s...