• 南非工会叫停国营工人罢工

    10-09-07 South African trade unions have suspended a strike which has paralysed schools and hospitals for the past 20 days. 南非工会停止了一场持续30天的罢工,这次罢工使南非学校和医院造成瘫痪。 The unions have called a halt to the strike to allow them to cons...

  • 法国民众将举行大罢工 抗议退休方案改革

    10-09-07 France faces serious disruption as a nationwide strike begins to fight proposals to raise the retirement age. 法国民众就反对提高退休年龄的提议举行了一场全国性的大罢工,法国将面临严重的破坏。 The 24-hour-strike is set to hit public transport, banks,...

  • 南非政府向罢工工人做出让步

    10-09-01 The South African government has increased its wage offer to more than a million striking public sector workers. 南非政府同意一百多万名举行罢工的国营部门职工提出的加薪要求。 With teachers and nurses on strike, schools and hospitals have been in disa...

  • 南非集结军队对抗罢工工人

    10-08-20 South Africa's army has been called in to protect hospitals from striking public sector workers. 南非政府调集军队以保护医院免受国营部门工人罢工的破坏。 More than a million civil servants(公务员) began an indefinite strike on Wednesday, calling for...

  • 南非工人开始大罢工

    10-08-19 Public sector workers in South Africa have begun an open-ended strike, having rejected the government's offer of a pay rise. 南非国营经济部门职工拒绝了政府的加薪提议,开始了一场无限期的大罢工。 Unions affiliated with(交往,参加) Cosatu, South Afri...

  • 南非工会以罢工威胁政府增加薪酬

    10-07-29 South African public sector workers have told the government they will go on strike in seven days if their pay demands are not met. 南非国营部门工人已向其政府指出,如果他们增加薪酬的要求没有满足,将举行为期七日的罢工。 Transport workers won above-in...

  • Too Smart for Dad 青出于蓝

    10-07-19 Too Smart for Dad Young man, said the angry father from the head of stairs, didn't I hear the clock strike four when you brought my daughter in? You did, admitted the boyfriend, it was going to strike eleven, but I grabbed it and held the gong so it...

  • 印度油价上涨 反对党举行罢工

    10-07-06 Normal life has been disrupted in many parts of India because of a strike called by opposition parties against fuel price rises. 印度油价上涨,反对党举行的罢工已使许多地区正常的生活受到干扰。 The effect of the 12-hour stoppage(停止,罢工) was felt...

  • 希腊经济紧缩计划引发民众大罢工

    10-06-29 Another 24-hour general strike is under way in Greece in protest at planned pension and labour reforms. 希腊民众正在组织另一场为期24小时的大罢工,抗议政府在养老金以及劳动力改革方面的计划。 More street demonstrations are planned in Athens Trade union...

  • 英国航空与工会就罢工问题举行会谈

    10-06-01 British Airways and the Unite union are to hold fresh talks on Tuesday as cabin crew workers stage their third day of strike action. 英国航空公司与联合工会将于本周二就航班空服人员为期三天的罢工行动举行新一轮会谈。 The union has warned of the possibi...