• 受员工罢工影响 英国航空将运营部分航班

    10-05-18 British Airways has said it hopes to operate just over half its flights from Heathrow, after a cabin crew strike was ruled illegal by the High Court. 英国航空公司称,英国高等法院判定空服人员罢工为非法之后,公司希望希思罗机场一半的航班可以起飞。 Gatw...

  • 希腊民众罢工抗议政府的财政措施

    10-05-05 A general strike has been called across Greeece as protests against planned spending cuts and tax rises continue. 针对希腊的削减开支以及增加税收政策,希腊民众将举行一场全国范围的大罢工。 Public anger in Greece is growing over government austerity me...

  • 以色列对加沙地带发动13次空袭

    10-04-02 Israeli planes have carried out 13 air strikes on the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip, Palestinian sources have told the BBC. 巴勒斯坦方面消息,以色列空军近日对哈马斯统治的加沙地带发动了13次空袭。 Four of the strikes took place near the town of Khan Younis,...

  • 塞拉利昂医护人员停止罢工

    10-03-29 Health workers in Sierra Leone say they will end their 10-day strike, after the president agreed in a late-night deal to increase their pay six-fold. 塞拉利昂总统在一场深夜谈判中同意将医护人员的工资增长5倍,医护人员因此将终止持续10天的罢工。 Some ho...

  • 英航罢工第三天 三成以上航班被取消

    10-03-23 More than a third of British Airways flights at the UK's major airports have so far been cancelled on the third day of strike action by cabin crew. 英国航空公司航班服务人员举行罢工的第三天,英国各大机场超过三分之一的航班被迫取消。 According to BA's...

  • 英国联合工会要求早日解决英航罢工纠纷

    10-03-22 The Unite union has appealed to the board of British Airways to try to resolve the increasingly bitter dispute between the airline and its cabin crew. 英国联合工会要求英国航空董事会尽量解决航空公司与空服人员之间日趋激烈的纠纷。 Both sides of the dis...

  • 英国航空员工将罢工 某些航班可能受影响

    10-03-15 British Airways is expected to announce which of its flights may be cancelled because of a strike planned by cabin crew for next weekend. 因为航班空服人员计划下周末举行罢工,英国航空公司可能将要宣布一些因此被取消的航班。 The Unite union has announce...

  • 希腊工人举行第二次全国大罢工

    10-03-11 Greece is expected to grind to a halt for the second time in a month as hundreds of thousands of state and private workers stage a general strike. 希腊数十万国企和私营企业职工举行大罢工,希腊将有可能第二次在一个月之内逐渐瘫痪。 Greece has already be...

  • 古巴监狱绝食抗议者奥兰多死亡

    10-02-24 Leading Cuban political prisoner Orlando Zapata Tamayo has died in hospital after 85 days on hunger strike, opposition sources say. 古巴反对派消息称,政治犯奥兰多萨帕塔塔马约经历85天的绝食抗议之后,日前在医院逝世。 Mr Zapata (second left) was arrest...

  • 汉莎航空飞行员暂停罢工

    10-02-23 A strike by about 4,000 pilots at German airline Lufthansa has been suspended - with union officials agreeing to resume negotiations. 德国汉莎航空公司4000名飞行员举行的罢工活动暂时停止工会主席同意重新开始谈判。 'If we crash, the whole company goes d...