• The Reading Child

    15-04-29 To respect my work, my associates and myself. To be honest and fair with them as I expect them to be honest and fair with me. To be a man whose word carries weight. To be a booster, not a knocker; a pusher, not a kicker; a motor, not a clog. To base...

  • 中国网吧将引入分级系统

    15-04-16 Chinese authorities are planning to introduce a rating system to its 140,000 Internet cafes in a bid to improve service. 中国政府计划对国内14万家引入评级系统以提高其服务质量。 The cafes will be rated on sanitation, percentage of oxygen in the air an...

  • 24-hour visa service 24小时签证服务

    15-03-26 The British Home Office on Monday announced a variety of improvements to the visa system in China, including a 24-hour visa service , the expansion of mobile biometrics, and a new service enabling customers to apply for the British and Schengen visa...

  • 美特勤局申请再建一座白宫 作为训练基地

    15-03-25 Stung by breach after breach after breach after gaffe at the White House, the Secret Service is asking Congress for $8 million -- so it can build another White House. 白宫在一次一次又一次被闯入之后,特勤局决定他们要向国会申请八百万美元来再建一座白宫...

  • 瑞士公司收费2.1万镑为孩子起名字

    15-02-12 These days it seems that giving your baby some ridiculously weird name has become the norm. 现在,似乎给孩子起个稀奇古怪的名字是司空见惯了。 Names like John, James and Emma are out, and monikers inspired by celebrities and their offspring are in. Ac...

  • 支付宝将启动虚拟信用卡业务

    14-12-30 Alipay is launching its own virtual credit card service. 支付宝将启动虚拟信用卡服务。 The service will allow users to pay their online purchases on credit. Users will have 20 days to pay off the balance. Alipay is going to offer a line of credit of...

  • 社会福利随道德市场的规范而下降

    14-08-26 For credence(信任,凭证) services such as auto-repair, healthcare, and legal services, the benefit to the customers for the service is difficult to assess before and even after the service. A new study in a journal of the Institute for Operations...

  • pared-down service 简化服务

    14-05-23 The hotel is performing its usual role of providing accommodation to CPPCC delegates and offering spaces for related meetings, but this year it is offering pared-down service , in keeping with government orders. 这家宾馆还像往年一样为全国政协委员提...

  • 贝卢斯科尼开始进行社区服务

    14-05-09 Former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi arrived at a Catholic care home near Milan on Friday to start a year of community service. 意大利前首相贝卢斯科尼周五现身于米兰附近一家天主教养老院,开始为期一年的社区服务。 Berlusconi glanced at journ...

  • reduced prison sentence 减刑

    14-04-28 Prosecuting organs have investigated 24 people allegedly involved in reduced prison sentence and early release of Zhang Hai, former board chairman of Jianlibao Group Co. Ltd., the Supreme People's Procuratorate (SPP) said on Monday. 最高人民检察院周...