• forbarefoot doctors 赤脚医生

    12-12-12 Chinese political advisors on Saturday called for more support forbarefoot doctors serving the country's vast rural areas. 政协委员呼吁,政府应给予赤脚医生更多的关注和支持,以服务广大农村地区。 文中的barefoot doctors就是指赤脚医生,现在也称乡村医生...

  • Christmas Service 圣诞节的祷告

    12-10-26 It was a cold and misty Christmas morning in the very depth of Winter after a heavy fall of snow and only one farmer and the minister managed to arrive at the church for the morning service. Well, said the clergyman, I guess there's no point in havi...

  • 售后服务是一种情感体验

    12-09-03 You can probably recall a customer service experience that left you feeling good. A recent study has shown not only that positive emotion from sales staff is contagious(感染性的) to a customer, but that a satisfied customer also improves the sales...

  • artificial intelligence application 人工智能应用

    12-07-02 I need to have one because I see the potential of its cloud computing service and artificial intelligence application . That's currently a wide open area in China. 某用户说:我需要买一部,因为我看到了云服务以及人工智能应用的潜在价值。目前这在中国有...

  • mandatory military service 义务兵役

    12-06-20 The 29-year-old star, whose real name is Jung Ji-hoon, will receive basic training in Uijeongbu, north of Seoul, before beginning his 22-month-long mandatory military service . 现年29岁的Rain,真名郑智薰,将在首尔北部的京畿道接受新兵训练,然后开始服...

  • 奥巴马演讲 表彰警官们的无私奉献精神

    12-06-02 Thank you, Chuck, for that very kind introduction. Chuck is a proud police officer, he's the proud parent of a police officer, and he has dedicated his life to law enforcement and their families. So I want to thank him for his extraordinary service....

  • 希思罗机场“后门”服务引起争议

    12-05-13 Wealthy travellers can pay 1,800 to jump long immigration queues at Heathrow airport. 希思罗机场的后门服务近日引起争议。只要花上1800英镑,富有的乘客就可以不用排队,直接接受入境服务。 Limo service: A video on Heathrow\s website shows the VIP treatmen...

  • memorial service 悼念仪式

    12-05-03 Addressing over 6,000 people who gathered in Oslo's Spektrum arena for the memorial service , Norwegian King Harald V told the nation of 5 million people that Norway would surmount its pain. 在悼念活动上,挪威国王哈拉尔五世向围聚在奥斯陆斯佩克特姆音...

  • Courtesy call 促销电话

    12-04-24 Courtesy call is a sugarcoated term used by telemarketers which really means sales call. This is one of the most deceitful and misleading phrases ever since there is nothing courteous about it. Courtesy call(字面意思:礼节性电话)是被电话促销员巧妙...

  • 公交运营词汇

    12-03-08 operating 运营,营运 (公共交通的运输和经营) passenger transport 客运 (城市公共交通企业运送乘客的业务) working shift 劳动班次 (一天中,司机、乘务员工作时间的安排) one-piece run 整班 (司机、乘务员连续工作的劳动班次) every other run 分班 (司机...